Friday, March 27, 2009

Mary Worth 473

Hey, didn't Adrian wear that outfit yesterday, in the car, for about four minutes?

Ted's phone has an antenna, but does it have a camera? Because at first I thought he was taking a picture of this inopportune moment. I was really looking forward to hearing Ted say, "About that impressive number I wrote on your napkin, Jeff..."

Today's Full Strip


  1. Are we making a critical mistake in assuming that people sleep in this cartoon? Time being what it is (or it isn't) and all?

    Do they sleep? I won't even speculate on pooping. Well, who am I kidding. Do they poop? I need archives, people! Archives!

  2. If Ted has any sense at all he will keep on walking and leave the horrible, terrible, ghastly inhabitants of Santa Royale far behind.

  3. A new place to meddle, er, eat! This looks like a retro fifties type place.

    Santa Royale is quickly becoming the restaurant capital of...of...nowhere, really.

    Doesn't Mary make her salad and seafood scampi at home any more?

    I bet Jeff is gonna foot the bill for this dinner, too.

  4. I wonder why they gave Adrian a backwards menu.

  5. Is Adrian looking a little chimplike in the first panel?

  6. Good lord, WE GET IT! Ted is awful. What will he do next to demonstrate it to us? Order Adrian's dinner for her without asking what she wants? Drink straight from the milk carton? I feel like we're moments away from an aside where he looks directly at us, puts his pinky to his lips, and laughts menacingly.

  7. Has Mary ever gone this long without meddling? She must be about to bust! I'm surprised we don't see steam coming out of her ears.

  8. Ted: Excuse me, I'm going to disappear into the creamy orange void.

    The colorists are primarily responsible for turning this restaurant into a funhouse. Is the wall orange and the floor black?

  9. Let's not start insulting chimps, please.

  10. What I have learned thus far...Jeff is a sucker, Adrian lives in her car, Ted has a cellphone from 1975 and Mary will tag along to anything, as long as a free dinner is involved. OH yes, one other thing...TED IS A LOSER!

  11. Speaking of old cell phones, I was watching an old episode of Matlock (no, I'm not kidding) the other night, and one of the suspects, a sleazy deal maker guy ("I bring people who want to buy together with people who want to sell"), had to cut short a phone call on his whiz-bang cellular phone to answer Ben's questions. It was one of those ones that looked like a kid whacked a trapezoidal piece out of a brick and stuck a half-inch thick antenna on one end. Boy, that brought back memories. First time I ever saw one of those was in Smith Food King--some guy was calling his wife to find out if she wanted Grade A large or Grade A extra large eggs. Those were the days, eh? "I'm so rich (and cool) that I can afford to walk around the supermarket getting live updates on my shopping list, and spend a dollar minute doing so!"


  12. Wheelhead,

    Whenever someone mentions clunky old cellphones that used to be status symbols for bigshots, I always think of Gordon Gecko from Wall Street and his 5 lb. phone. Good times.

  13. Toots McGee: Yeah, those cell phones from the Jurassic Era were pretty unwieldy--and scary! Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane>

  14. Probably to talk to anyone outside Santa Royale, not using a land line, one needs a satellite phone, which explains the size of Ted's (ahem) equipment. More worrisome to me, though, is Adrian's eyesight: I think she might need glasses. While she sits with her forehead touching the windshield of her car, she is comfortable reading a menu from three feet away.

  15. Waiter McSnooty approaches table four to deliver their watered down drinks, advise about the "no transistor camera radio phone policy" and suggest the days specials (green mush, brown mush and Tang), then realizes they are the same non tipping group from his other gig at the Golden Corridor.

    Later, Mary slips packets of Splenda into her purse and Adrian rushes to her car to change clothes.

  16. No wonder Adrian loses so many patients, with her eyesight the way it is. Can't she drive past the Santa Royale 99 cent store and get a pair of cheap reading glasses? The lives lost...

  17. This is all becoming seriously disturbing.

    Why, oh why, does Adrian keep so many changes of clothing in her car?

    Did Ted do the gentlemenly thing and avert his eyes whilst Adrian changed? Or did he peek?

    Why has Adrian deviated from the tried-but-true combination of black and rose red to dabble with the friskier black and purple?

    Why did Ted receive a phone call? Does he actually have any friends? Or will it turn out to be the Funeral Home demanding final payment on Lydia's plot, or up she comes?

    And why, oh why, has Mary been struck dumb? Is she saving it all up for one massive tirade of meddling and caring advice? Or has her obsession with seafood scampi finally consumed her completely to the exclusion of all else?

  18. I see Dr. Jeff is wearing his standard green, "going-out-to-dinner" jacket. And Ted has on a cheap Haband suit with the handy "roll-ban" waist, no belt. The fellas just wanted to dress comfy tonight, now that they're all such good friends.

    The phone call is surely a mystery! Perhaps Lydia is undead and finally tracking Ted down?

    Meanwhile, Mary may be having bladder trouble or indigestion and just doesn't feel like her normal meddlesome self lately. But whatever, she's ALWAYS up for a free meal!


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