Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mary Worth 483

Well, it's been a crazy week in Santa Royale, California. Not only was there a huge amount of face touching, but Ted revealed that his dear sister Vicki owed the mob $50,000. This is a problem for Ted because Ted loves his sister, but his identity (along with his cash) had been stolen by his bookie Arnie. Fortunately, his fiance Adrian is rich and also a sucker.

Ted also gave us a great romantic tip. Listen up men. Women can't resist you when you tell them they remind you of your sister. Get her in a headlock and wooingly tell her that you love her because she reminds you of your sister and she'll be putty in your hands.

She'll also give you lots of money. Up to $50,000.

Suddenly, in the middle of their conversation, Ted and Adrian were transported to her living room, where she revealed to Ted that her father was a meddling busybody quite capable of engaging in his own underhanded dealings. Hopefully, for Ted's sake, he remembered to use a fake name when he signed up for that Santa Royal Fan Club Site and hooked up with Adrian.


  1. Now I think Ted sounds like Stephen Colbert's character from Harvey Birdman.

    Ha, ha!

  2. I like how the recap style works! Much as loved your daily posts, checking in w/ the strip itself on a daily basis was a lot of work for your readers as well as for you. Taking the week's non-action all in one big swallow may turn out just right!

  3. I like the weekly recap! Your comments flow together well and are even funnier that way. And if Ted doesn't stop touching Adrian's face I really will have to vomit.

  4. Ted is busted! OK three months from now...

    PS, Adrian has a nice car, er, house.

  5. Wanders, well worth the wait - no pun intended.

    As to Vicki being "more than a sister" - maybe due to some freakish coincidence brought about by Ted's marriage to his dead wife Lydia - who's dead - it could be that Vicki is now also a cousin twice removed or even possibly an uncle. ;)

  6. Is it still appropriate for us common readers to comment on the daily strips, while we await Wanders' weekly summary -- the first of which was very well done?

    If so, I need to raise a question about Jeff's coffee cup in frame 2 today (Monday). Has he mastered a gesture which appears awkward at the very least, or is some unseen third party (Mary?) handing him his cup?

  7. Tony, absolutely feel free to comment during the week. It will give me much more material to plagiarize when I do my summary.

    Also, I appreciate the initial positive response to the weekly re-cap format. I wasn't feeling particularly pleased with it, so I appreciate the encouragement. I will try to maintain that schedule and hopefully it will improve as I adjust.

  8. Adrian might be a competent physician (we can only hope), but it appears she skipped the tutorial in med school about "how to evade shysters who try to scam money from clueless female doctors by way of honeydripping."

    Glad you're taking care of yourself, Wanders, and your recap style works well.

    (I have to reset my password again: this is jennahrationex, but will show up as "anonymous.")

  9. A weekly recap seems to be the appropriate pace, but there are those of us who are inclined to comment daily. (Even the smallest dose of drama works for me.)

    For example: I can't wait to hear the information that Jeff has on Ted!
    And, I'm trying to imagine Mary's thought bubble at the end of this storyline. "A fool and her money are soon parted", for instance.

  10. Some have expressed concern that the new weekly recap format might be because I have some kind of health concern. It is not. I'm fine. I just had to readjust some priorities. Thanks for the worry.

  11. Tony: I, too, am confused about the coffee cup goings-on in panel two! I believe Dr. Jeff is just about to grab Adrian's cup! She has proven beyond a doubt--she is not mature enough to drink such an adult beverage! This bunch takes their coffee drinking seriously, so this is SERIOUS. (And if there were a third panel, I bet you'd see Dr. Jeff drinking from BOTH cups, and Mary running to get a sippee cup of Sunny D for Adrian!)

  12. I hate to break the news to Jeff and Adrian, but that is NOT the Corey residence! As we can clearly see in Mary Worth and Me #467, the Corey residence has white vinyl siding. Have Adrian and Jeff barged into a neighbors house, invited themselves to dinner and endless cups of coffee, all while boring their host with recaps of Adrians stupidity?

  13. Also, I think the Corey house is a 2 story colonial, not a mid-century ranch as we see in todays strip. Jeff seems to be flipping houses left and right!

  14. Wanders: I think the recap style is working just fine. My only concern is that your contests won't run as often!

    Chester: Jeff and Adrian can barge into anyone's house--they're doctors, remember? :-)

    And how soon will it be before Mary suggests that Adrian join her dear brother Drew at Peace Village?

  15. April 14, 2009: Jeff's brain explodes at the mention of $50,000.

    Jeff: "Adrian, do you know how many times I could have taken Mary to dinner at the Golden Corridor with that kind of money?"

    Adrian: ", eleventeen?" (not a typo)

  16. Dr. Jeff will doubtless be distressed when he hears how much Adrian contributed to Ted's sister's relief fund. But he will also be gratified when Ted within a couple of days fulfills his donation pledge to Peace Village (part of it, anyway).

  17. Chester the Dog:

    Jeff's house is definitely the Suburban Man Cabin seen in today's strip. It has been shown repeatedly. The house with the siding, I don't know whose house that was, but it definitely wasn't Jeff's.

  18. Gotta say I'm loving the weekly recap. Not that I didn't love the daily comments...uh oh, I love everything you do. There! How 'bout that?

  19. Yay! Finally Jeff to the rescue.

  20. Boy, Adrian is so dimwitted, she can't even make a normal sized "!" balloon.

  21. Adrian didn't even blink at giving Vikki $50,000. Afterall, as she has indicated before she "can afford it on her doctor's salary."

  22. Wow! Many legit doctors Adrian's age still have loads of debt in student loans. 50k would be a large chunk of change!!!

    Of course, Adrian's $499 "You-can-be-a-Medical Doctor" correspondence course saved her a LOT of dough. For an additional $299 she got the "neurosurgeon specialty" diploma) Mountview Hosp. is one sweet gig! She barely even has to show up!
    Whatever will it take to wipe that goofy lovestruck look off her face!?
    I sure hope Ted's sister remembers to write A. a thank-you note!

  23. Vicki: I'm surpised her one patient (the old guy stuffed in the Mountview broom closet) even knows who she is. I'm sure she just breezes in once a week, a worn copy of BRIDES tucked under her arm, and tosses a few Equate (Walmart) asprin onto the floor near his bed.

  24. Dr. Jeff seems not at all fazed by Adrian's reference to $50,000. I guess to two doctors, living at Charterstone, that isn't a large amount, although most people would regard it as an impressive figure. Will his investigation reveal convictions for fraud in Ted's past?

  25. I am wondering if Adrian wired the money to an offshore account in the Cayman's where,no doubt, that is where Uncle Guido lives. lol.

  26. Where oh where is Mary? Did she ask for a high salary in exchange for appearing in just a few strips a month?

    Or is she home, brewing gallons of Yuban, preparing for Jeffs next visit?

  27. 4-15: Ted did not work at Nations Geography for 10 years, but only for ten weeks? Well, if it is in Mary Worth, it must have seemed like 10 years for poor Ted. Give the poor guy a break.

  28. I hear Ted not as Phil Ken Sebben but as the bee from the Nasonex commercial.

  29. How bizarre, for the first time today I also heard his voice as if it were on Harvey Birdman.

    (I even visualized, during a routine marriage-related legal consultation with Harvey, Ted slowwwly moving his hand towards Adrian's face until, SLAP! like magnets coming together. Cut away and back, she has a hand on his face too; again, and they each have both their hands on each others' faces, squishing them out of shape and mangling their words. Harvey leaps up and proudly announces, "I'll take the case!")

  30. Well, I just can't wait to hear Ted's explanation about Nation's Geography. How about, I was really working undercover with the
    FBI at Nation's Geography investigating the organization for socialists. That's really what happened to all my money. They made me SHARE!LMAO. wait this is a family blog. lbao. lol

  31. I clicked too fast. it's lmbo

  32. "People embellish their work background all the time." Yea, Adrian calls herself a doctor...

  33. "It's not unreasonable to change 'weeks' to 'years' on your resume, right?"

  34. @Robert I thought "weeks" was just a synonym for "years". Have I been wrong all this time?

  35. I bet Ted lied about his interweb skills, too. And Lotus 123? Not a clue!

  36. 18 April


    Waiting with baited breath.

  37. Sunday 4/18- It looks like Ted is going to 'take the money and run'.
    Apparently he can be bought for a mere $50,000. lol. Adrian is on her way over to see 'just how much Ted does love her'.

  38. meanwhile, Ted struggles to balance his laptop on his coat. Hopefully Adrian will show up to help him before he drops it.


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