Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Posting Schedule

To accommodate some personal needs, I'm planning to move to a new weekly re-cap format. I can't imagine the posts will be much longer than the daily posts have been since not all that much happens in a week.

In the meantime... Only in the great state of Mary-Land could I have seen this license plate at the local Giant grocery store.


  1. The jig is up for Ted Confey.
    And the gig is up for Mary Worth and Me?

  2. Hope all's well, Wanders.
    But what will I turn to first when I'm drinking my morning coffee? Sigh.

  3. And I think Vicki is mixed up with the remnants of the Tonya Harding gang.

  4. WHAT THE....
    Wanders, are you trying to have a life??! A career?? Maybe we need to send a couple 'a "collection" men by to see you and discuss this plan you have come up with.

  5. Thanks for all you do. We'll sure miss the daily chuckles, but "real life" does have a way of getting our attention, sometimes! Hope all goes well for you, Wanders.

    I do think Ted has "jumped the shark" with Adrian this time! It makes me nervous that she is in that lovely park all alone with him. Let's hope he doesn't have a bad temper! (I bet, though, Dr. Jeff and Mary are peeking out from the bushes, ready to pounce!)

  6. (4/08) I think Adrian has finally caught on! Only, what, how many weeks did it take? I am waiting to see how Mary fits into all this.

  7. I agree, Ted does look dominating in that first frame. He could turn on his "Queeny" before the weekend is up...

    But just look at how Adrian is clutching her purse, just like Mary taught her! Good Girl, Adrian.

  8. How can you do this to me Wanders? It's really too much. Can I make it through a whole week without you? We'll have to be strong. All the best to you and thanks for many a laugh.

  9. Apparently the results of Jeff's background search won't be needed, as Adrian seems to be catching on herself. Too bad he fired up his 286 IBM-Compatible PC for naught!

  10. Who knows Wanders? With a weekly summary it may actually seem as if something is happening with Mary and friends. And as to those of you who are wondering how Mary fits into all this, don't forget that Mary was originally used only to introduce the characters at the beginning of a story line. She was seldom a significant character as the plot (term used loosely since the Moy era) unfolded.

  11. Will miss the daily updates but will tune in on weekends! Thanks for all you do, the blog has increased the fun factor of reading MW x 10.

  12. Aw Wanders!

    Yours is the highlight of the start of my work day... if it came down to a cup of coffee or your blog (and it has), I'd read your blog!

    I'm sure I'll adjust to the new schedule though.

    Thanks for all of your hard work at helping others understand why Mary Worth belongs in the "funnies".

  13. 'fess up, Wanders! That's YOUR license tag.

  14. Jessica said: "as Adrian seems to be catching on herself." Gee, what got her to thinking? She will go to Mary, they will use a computer (with wired mouse pad I hope), and run a search on Ted.

  15. Wanders, I'll really miss the daily posts but I'll look forward to the weeklies. I hope they're nice and long, but of course, your personal and professional life takes priority over Mary Worth. I know, I know! It's hard to hear that; it's hard for me even to type.

  16. driving off a cliff, I thought the same thing, that that was Wanders license
    I too will miss the daily MWnme but as i have to remind myself, it is only a comic strip. Take care Wanders.

  17. The license plate made me think, "if there were a MOY TOY, what kind of guy (I guess) are we talking about here?"

    I'm locked into thinking that Moy's world somehow conforms to some sort of Giella-esque, Tennesse Willimas world and her toy would be like the Paul Newman character in Sweet Bird of Youth, some rakish cabana boy.

    At any rate, the license plate cracks me up. Great find Wanders.

  18. Ted, in Thursday's strip, strikes me as more creepy than ever. Is it because he's asking Adrian to look out for him while he grows up, like his sister in D.C. has done?

    Or is it because he just pulled himself onto her lap?

  19. it the super-creepy thought that springs to mind when Ted says that he fell in love with Adrian BECAUSE she reminds him of his sister

  20. Yipes. A weekly recap. That's like warp speed in Mary Worth time. You are making my head spin!

    I hope there isn't a matter of some businessmen trying to collect 'interest' (and I don't mean the green kind!) After the way you have put us all up on a pedestal with your daily ministrations, the least we could do is help out....

    Seriously, hope all is well and the dailies will be missed.

  21. I'm missing the daily updates, but I understand that doing the blog daily can be time-consuming.

    Ted's not a very good con man, he tells girls they remind him of his sister and calls them 'Queenie.' Did he take a correspondence course instead of the in-depth curriculum he should have pursued?

  22. When is Adrian going to rip off that black and blue wig and reveal that dude looks like a lady? With that jawline doubt.

  23. 4/11/09- All I have to say is Adrian is such a shmuck! I can't believe it! Ted has really hooked a live one this time. My husband thinks that Ted is on the up and up. I think that Mary and Jeff better get crackin' at that meddling before Adrian loses her shirt. ewww!

  24. Let's say for a moment that Ted is on the up and up. What fool would walk into his life, and now his sister's life, both clearly overwhelmed by financial mismanagement ...wallet first?

    Also, how many days before Adrian's ring finger begins to turn green?

  25. Wanders,
    For the next Worthy Awards, can you please institute the Toby Cameron award for Exceptional Stupidity? I think Adrian could be a real winner.

  26. I'm starting to think Ted being hauled away in handcuffs in front of her wouldn't clue her in...

  27. 13 April

    The classic double take. Yes, we've been needing someone to give us one of those.

    The thing that concerns me though is that lately Adrian looks as if she is about to break out in a bad case of angst. Was it because she lived in her car too long? Or has it been the rapid transition from car to dining establishment to park to house that has caused an uneasy stirring in her soul?

  28. I'm looking forward to your chock full of wit on the weekends, Wanders!


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.