Monday, April 6, 2009

Mary Worth 482

Wouldn't it be Karen Moy's ultimate joke on us if Ted Confey turned out to be everything he claims? But if not, it looks like he's moved on to Plan B: The old Can-You-Help-Me-Pay-My-Sick-Sister's-Medical-Bills routine. What's next? Selling fake purses at the Charterstone pool party?

By the way, I love Dire Straits. In honor of Jeff Corey's background check on Ted, I'm sneaking the song Private Investigations onto the Jukebox until the Condo Board finds out and yanks it for not being the kind of song we listen to at Charterstone.

Today's Full Post


  1. This is getting waaay too creepy for me! MY name is Vicki and I have a daughter named Adrianne in real life.
    (However, I am NOT in dire straits, nor do I have a brother who is the spittin' image of Satan!!) Also, remember Lynn Griffin's skating choreographer? HER name was Vicki, too. So what's with Moy and the name "Vicki"!?

  2. Adrian knows Ted has only one sister. Then why does she say Oh, THE ONE in D.C.? She is truly a nitwit.

  3. We watch "Romeo and Juliet" walk "Hand in Hand" through the "Tunnel of Love".
    But we know she's just his "Latest Trick".
    Mary, please don't delay! Tell Adrian it's time to "Skateaway".

  4. Uncle Joe is actually giving us a rorschach test. Very clever. What do you see?

  5. This strip is starting to look like a typical movie from the Lifetime Channel. Adrian should come out alright in the end but not before learning an important lesson...and not before Jeff and Mary have had their fun.

  6. Now Jeff and Mary have decided to investigate Ted Conman and they learn that Adrian's been asked to help Ted's "destitute" "sister" this is all going to unravel faster than a ball of wool ... I hope. The setup's been so excruciatingly long I hope the payoff's faster.

    I know, speed of plot isn't what the strip is famous for!

  7. oh that Ted, he just wants "money for nothing"

  8. that was a good one anonymous. money for nothing and the chicks for free. lol

  9. I like Dire Straits too, but really, can you blame Ted for being concerned that his sister joined a band that dissolved in 1995?

  10. Perhaps Ted's sister Vicki and Vicki the choreographer are the same person. If Lynn's program isn't going well, Frank may have gone back to his charming ways, and Vicki may well be in dire straits...

  11. I keep wanting Adrian to look at Ted and say, "Hey! Why does your face have ink stains on it? You look like Lucifer!

    Anon: You may be right about Lynn's coach being the same "Vicki". I mean what are the odds two plots in a row would have the same name?
    Vicki the chorographer,having met our Mary, probably tipped off her no-good brother about the "easy pickings" in SR! She may in fact be the mastermind here!

  12. Maybe "Vicki" is one of the few names that can run thru Moys' language translation/intrepeter/database running on her Zenith 286 laptop and not crash it.

  13. many mysteries. Terry Bryson, where are you!


  15. It looks as though Moy, satisfied with last month's study of Hand Drawing,
    has folded up Adrian's hands for storage and moved on to a study of Light and Shadow.

  16. That black on Ted's face looks like he just tried to smoke an exploding cigar.

  17. duckduckgoose:

    Unless Karen Moy has murdered Joe Giella and run him through the chipper, she is not the artist for Mary Worth. That honor (ahem) goes to the aforementioned Mr. Giella. Yesterday's strip, with Adrian horizontal on her Sealy Queenie-sized mattress (and I'm not entirely certain that sort of thing can be shown in a family newspaper), is proof positive to me (after the incessant face-touching earlier in the storyline) that Mr. Giella is showing off his new artistic chops with the "Drawing Real Hands" correspondence course.

    Sorry to write a run-on sentence with way too many diversions from the real point. Take heart that I am not Heinrich von Kleist come back from the dead.


  18. Wheelhead:
    Of course! I should have known. Thank you for the correction.
    It's Mr. Giella, the artist, that I was referring to in an earlier comment about folded hands, light, and shadow.

  19. Obviously Ted was rummaging through Mary's trash at the Charterstone dumpster. This is how he found out she was dating rich doctor Jeff and that Jeff had a rich doctor spinster daughter named Adrian, and that Mary knew someone named Vicki. If it turns out he knows someone named Lynn, the jig is up.

  20. Here's Ted's windup...

  21. If that full moon turns Ted into the Wolf-Man, then all is forgiven, Moy. All is forgiven.

  22. I'm just becoming concerned about the increasing use of bold type. Does that possibly signify a significant plot point is going to leap out and assault us? If so, I have my mace ready.

  23. So Ted is hosting Jeopardy? In that case the correct response must be "Ted, how is your sister's music career going?"

  24. Ted's only sister, the one in D.C., is in the hot seat. She borrowed money from a loan-shark, a shylock. And if Adrian doesn't come up with some hard cash, fast, Ted's only sister, the one in D.C., will be swimming with the fishes.

    Just like his late wife, Lydia.

  25. Hey Wanders – In light of the recent addition of Dire Straits to the Charterstone Jukebox, I’ve got another request. In honor of Ted Confey, one of the best new characters in a while, how about Pencil Thin Mustache? (Wouldn’t it be awesome if Giella “gave” Ted a two-toned Ricky Ricardo jacket?)

  26. Adult siblings, Ted and Vicki Oonfey, seem to have a little trouble with money management. Or they're just plain stupid. Hey! Adrian will fit right in!

  27. I'm just kind of surprised that Ted gave Adrian the "Uncle Guido's gonna kill my sister if she doesn't pay up" story instead of the more sympathy-inducing "my sister's got cancer, her husband died last year, she's got 8 little kids to raise alone, and they're gonna take the house" story.

  28. me too, PG. Adrian would have been really sucked in to your version. I think Moy's version-not so much.

  29. Ah, the cosa nostra! Loan Sharks! Or it could be just the federal government stating the conditions for the bailout money Ted's sister might have gotten. She dosen't work for AIG or GM does she?

  30. @Dire Straits:

    In this "Walk of Life," let's be "Brothers in Arms." Hey, why are you "So Far Away" from me?


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