Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mary Worth 481

Mary is the MASTER manipulator. Jeff, the perfect puppet, does exactly as she wishes, and the beauty is he thinks it is all his idea! At first I was wishing I could manipulate my children this well, but it would require that they be idiots... like Jeff's kids. I'll keep the smart kids and take my chances.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Re: final panel of today's strip. Often, a cheap ring will turn the wearer's finger green. Ted's ring, however, appears to be shrinking Adrian's entire hand! Dr.Jeff better start this check-up of "Ted Confey" immediately.

  2. That first panel, that's a creepy haunted scene with that cockeyed angle and full moon. I can hear the owl hoot and the wolf howl...

  3. I just noticed:

    Ted Confey = Con fed yet?

    The leech!

  4. Perhaps the creepy opening scene in today's strip foretells an even more horrible scenario than we imagined--i.e. Ted is a VAMPIRE!!!

    Also *horrible* describes Adrian's pants! Those are "mom jeans"! Ladies can only get away with those past a certain age, and Adrian is far too young. She needs to pick up some style clues, and quick. Adrian, stay OFF that website, dear.

  5. Chester wanting mom jeansApril 5, 2009 at 10:08 PM

    Update: Adrian is now the mom jeans model for, kissing her medical career goodbye (if she ever had one)

    New sales pitch for "Living in my car is not easy, even for a doctor like me, but these mom jeans, well I'm not a mom, and talking to my friends at 550-doctor on my dads cordless phone, well, just, thanks Blair!"

    Thanks Vicki!!

  6. "Oh, Ted, they're acid washed, too!"

  7. While the pants are matronly, look for a minute at the hair. It remains stiff and straight as the rest of Adrian's body has been forced into a reclining position.


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