Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mary Worth 486

It's been a crazy week in Santa Royale, California...

It all started when Dr. Adrian Corey's bigamist boyfriend was hauled away to the hoosegow by Detective Scott Hewlett after trying to skip town with $50,000 and a really bad mustache. Dr. Corey was so distressed that she couldn't stop touching her face! She touched it as she proved to Detective Hewlett that she was indeed betrothed...

She touched it after dropping her tear-saturated tissue on Detective Hewlett's desk...

She touched it as Detective Hewlett read to her from the Book of Ted with removable rap sheets...

She touched it as she added Vicki + Lydia + Queenie Gomez + Queenie Corey = The Dumbest Doctor in Santa Royale...

She touched it as she subtly played the sympathy card...

... which quickly produced the desired results.

It turns out that Detective Hewlett may not require one of Jeff's famous background checks in order to date his daughter. But does he really want to go out with such a loser?


  1. Keep the tissues coming and call me Adrian. By the way, Scott, what is the department policy on touching witnesses faces?

  2. I said it was all about this never-ending touching. ;) It will be a grey day indeed when a person with a germophobic disorder moves into town - he/she won't stand a chance.

    And I'm pretty sure that the ad or song or whatever that implored you to "reach out and touch someone" wasn't intending that you should make that someone yourself, and that you should reach out so frequently. It certainly must prove to be problematic if our Adrian is a surgeon.

    I did so laugh at the last panel of Sunday's strip - I really shouldn't have as it was quite cruel but I thought the expression of horrific realisation creeping onto Scott's face as he saw the predatory look in Adrian's eyes as she breathed "Call me Adrian" to be quite priceless.

    For Scott the nightmare is only just beginning...

  3. The only reason I'm commenting, is to call myself "Queenie Gomez".

    Carry on.

  4. The detective's color-changing Mood-Tie(TM) has become red. He's in love!

    Added bonus, he buys all of his clothes to match his hair color. Snazzy AND mas macho!

  5. With all the crying and face-touching, this would be the perfect time for Moy to start up a new story about an outbreak of swine flu in Santa Royale. Unfortunately, the Doctors Cory wouldn't be able to stop a refrigerator from running.

  6. The woman has got to stop crying. The traditional mourning period for a 1-month relationship with a con man HAS to have expired by now.

    If she doesn't stop crying soon, all of that inky blackness will undoubtedly run onto the tissues in Scott's office and spread.

    Or could she change out of that black outfit already? Please.

  7. I quiet agree duckduck. Adrian will probably milk it for all it's worth. lol

  8. Perhaps the still-to-be-determined role of Mary in this episode, other than assuring Jeff awhile back that Adrian would be fine, will be to counsel Adrian against rebound romances.

  9. It's good that Adrian explained that having a fiance meant that she was engaged to be married. Otherwise, our detective might not have figured that out.

  10. i believe that this is Adrian's first bad internet experience. After all, that's where she got her Dr.'s certificate.

  11. That silly Adrian has a Barbie doll pink glow behind her head in frame two! She's feeling all giggly and girly now doncha' know!

    I'm wondering who buys the paper products for the building? Are tissues boxes with large pretty flowers on them standard issue for the officers?
    I guess the flowers are to prove he is a wonderfully sensitive man and all around decent guy. (He MUST be to forgive Adrian for sliming his desk with that first nasty kleenex! Yuck!) We'll have to wait and see about the face touching, though. That could be a deal breaker, alright.

  12. Tomorrow, Officer Redford touches Adrian's face and Mary, back at Charterstone, finishes her paperwork. Meanwhile, stock in Kleenex triples. Wall street bounds back and Adrians only patients walks out of the broom closet a healed man.
    Will the thrills never end?

  13. This whole touching thing has gotten I Touch Myself by the Divinyls stuck in my head.

  14. I worry that we've already witnessed Scott Hewlett's dark side (actually a soft blue hue, but still, look at the outrage) in today's frame #5.

    I worry more that he'll develop a complex character, the end result being that we'll not be seeing the last of Adrian for another several weeks.

  15. I was enjoying this story while Adrian was being humiliated and bilked but if she is going to be happy I don't want to know about it.

    The Oedipal overtones provided by Det Scott looking like a blond Dr Jeff are quite disturbing.

  16. Shandyowl--I have to totally agree. When I look at the picture that wanders is using now for his profile, I've been thinking lately that it's Scott Hewlett. Then I remember that Scott's got dreamy strawberry blond hair, not that reddish auburn mess that Dr. Jeff uses to cover up his gray hairs.

    On a side note, I L-O-V-E love the weekly format, wanders. I thought I was going to miss the daily entries more than I could possibly enjoy the summaries, but I was wrong. The fact that you can follow a thematic trend over the course of the week (10 minutes in the Worthiverse) really helps to draw the whole week together. Keep up the fabulous work!


  17. I so look forward to the day when Jeff, Mary and Scott see Adrian off at the airport when she joins her brother Drew at Peace Village.

    Kudos to you, Wanders, for such fine analysis this week! You should consider adding a "Weekly Theme" to your list of labels.

  18. Det. Green Jacket looks like a guy that does not appreciate tissue boxes with flowers on them.

    I was trying to see if I recognize anyone on the "Wanted" poster on that back wall. For a brief moment I thought I saw Wilbur on the top row, but upon closer inspection decided it wasn't him and was quite relieved.

    Ewww, yer right-- Our Golden Boy "Scott" DOES look like Dad Corey with blond hair! Very disturbing.
    May 4, 2009 12:58 PM

  19. Scott didn't look one bit like Dr. Jeff when we first met him... did he? In fact, I remember that last week, he was the comic strip image of a dream-boat!

    So I have to imagine that his sympathetic approach to Adrian... and her incessant crying... and her inky blackness... has caused the poor guy to deform or contort somehow into the kind but homely image of her father.

    And I only hope for our sake that he will not "be in touch", that the damage is reversible, and, of course, that it won't spread to the hair.

  20. Glad that I'm not the only one who noticed in the May 4 strip that Detective Hewlett is beginning to look like a younger Jeff Corey. This must be Moy's idea to prove how perfect he'll be as Adrian's new boyfriend, rather than naming him Detective Wright, or making him Adrian's first boyfriend from when she was 15 and now all grown up.

  21. No one seems to be upset about the $50,000 dollars. I don't get that?

  22. O, djangosmom, it isn't about money. When will you get that?

  23. I have just two words to say about Friday's strip: Stockholm Syndrome.



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