Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mary Worth 494

This strikes me as a really good idea. By staying with Mary, Delilah will have the privacy and alone-time she needs to get her head together, and Mary will have new flesh to eat. It's a complete win-win.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Chester zee DoggyJune 3, 2009 at 9:50 AM

    Wasn't the last person to stay with Mary, Rita the drunk? Hide your glass swans, Mary!

  2. There you have it, Wanders. There are no MOTHERS in Santa Royale, just as you had suspected, but there are LIKE-A-MOTHERS.

  3. Did you see the squirrel on the branch outside the window? That is no ordinary squirrel. It is Lawrence, disguised as a squirrel. He is scouting out Delilah's potential digs and planting all sorts of high-tech survelience stuff.

    For the time being, however, he will stay put as Chester the Dog (CTD) is lurking nearby, just a-waitin' for a squirrelular misstep followed by a fall to the ground where he runs the risk of getting a good old fashioned shaking before he (Lawrence) can change back into a person again.

  4. The squirrel is a spy squirrel. At Texas A&M there was a project that involved putting radio collars on several campus squirrels. Robert Gates was president at the time. A rumor circulated that since Gates' previous post was CIA director that he was using these squirrels to monitor the student body. A side note: On my blog I've started a project called Mary Wordless - Mary Worth with the dialogue removed. Goofy grins so far.

  5. I think that Lawrence the Squirrel has been eating the radioactive food scraps from the Bum boat dumpster. (BB has been trying to secretely dispose of the contamination, but sooner or later the truth comes out!)

  6. Delilah a person of color?

  7. pb: yes, peachy-beige

  8. I hope it turns out that Delilah is coming to Santa Royale to have a break from her marriage and live it up by staying out late, going out to low-down dives, dancing with strange men, and dining in restaurants that Mary would never set foot in. The story will culminate with Mary declaring, "While you're staying with me, you'll live by MY rules! Curfew is 10 PM, no loud music after 9, and male visitors are only allowed in the parlor!"

  9. Will Mary tour Delilah thru the halls of Charterstone, describing each resident, "..and SHE had her credit stolen and has an ugly kitchen floor...and HIS daughter likes smallish horses..."

    I can't even remember WHO lives at Charterstone any more...

  10. The squirrel knows where the NUTS are.....

  11. So...have Delilah and Lawrence ever appeared on this strip before? Or is this one of Mary's Yet-Unseen Meddles?

    In other news, the smile on Mary's face as she "INSISTS" on having Delilah stay with her is truly is Delilah's description of her as "like a mother" to her. (sniff)

    Clearly, Delilah's in good company; the other women who Mary has been like a mother to have all...

    Hmm. On second thought, maybe Delilah's better off moving in with some other kindly old lady. One who doesn't regularly consume human flesh.

  12. To Toonhead: (1) You Aggies are easily fooled. That wasn't Robert Gates who was president, but a squirrel in a Robert Gates suit;
    (2) The spy squirrel to which you refer, can be seen to the left of Lawrence, just outside the borders of that panel; (3) Lawrence just signed on with the Oklahoma Sooners as a tight end walk-on, to fill the spot left by Tinker Owens in the 1970s. Watch for Lawrence when O.U. plays the Aggies this fall.

  13. "yes, peachy-beige"

    Peachy-beige, just like one-sixth of all matter in Santa Royale.

  14. Wanders, You were right. She doesn't strike me as all that beautiful anymore. Neither does the patio furniture.

    Who's talking to Delilah under that paper Mary Worth mask?


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