Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mary Worth 495

It's all very mysterious and intriguing. Delilah needs a week to take care of "things." She can't go into detail over the telephone for fear someone may overhear. She keeps looking over her shoulder to see who might be sneaking up from behind. Who is she afraid of? Lawrence? The mob? The police? How desperate she must be to actually move in with Mary. The horror. The horror.

Today's Full Strip.


  1. It'll take a week to take apart and pack up that patio furniture.

  2. She'd have done better to stick where she is. The police are less nosy than Mary.

  3. IF Delilah was to change into Mary's pearls and her neckline-changing, yellow dress, and IF she was to hold a Paper Mary-Mask in front of her face, NO ONE would suspect that she could have already moved into Charterstone.

    Even a squirrel would notice Mary's cut-and-paste face in today's second panel, but only those of us struck by the real Delilah's beauty would spot the decoy in the patio chair.

  4. The wonderful thing about Mary is that she is as subtle as a slap in the face. She has no time to finesse her way to the major issue on her mind: "Tell me what happend between you and Lawrence." Mary needs to know. To have to wait a week could actually kill the old girl.

  5. At first I was going to say that Mary has adopted the latest fad among young folks, awkwardly touching your own face (Adrian is such a trendsetter), but now it looks like Mary's about to pull off her face and reveal the lizard-like visage underneath, like the alien series "V."

  6. It's pretty obvious Delilah is not allowed back in the house! In a week's time, though, it might rain, so I hope she has a tent or a poncho she can crawl under! That patio chair looks big enough to fold out into a "sleeper" bed, so if Lawrence could toss her out a sleeping bag and pillow, I guess she'll be ok? Meanwhile, during the daytime she can pack up and ship the rest of the patio furniture to Mary's, then hoof it down to the bus station to buy a one-way ticket to Santa Royale.

  7. Chester sitting on the patio furnitureJune 4, 2009 at 9:37 PM

    Poor Delilah: the misfortunes add up. Shipping patio furniture to Charterstone is not cheap. I hope she kept the boxes from Fingerhut, as well as the socket wrench used to assemble them. She will arrive at Charterstone with only her day bag and her Fingerhut charge card.

    Does Mary have room for all that patio stuff in her spare room?

    Hopefully, the BUM BOAT accepts these Fingerhut cards, for those future lunches of salad, stew and meddling.

    I bet Lawrence, not so well as he is. is already plannng to rip out their old patio and put in a hot tub. Bring on HGTV!

  8. Delilah and patio furniture, finally a Mary Worth character with baggage!


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