Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mary Worth 512

If one considers the Mary Worth comic strip to be, by virtue of its age, a "classic," I'd say Delilah's statement is irony worthy of E. M. Forster. Especially in that outfit.

But even great writers are susceptible to bad editors... especially when modern word balloons are so tiny:

I contend that after something is necessary, it remains necessary until after it becomes unnecessary. But I could be wrong; I'm no E. M. Forster.

I have added "Edelweiss" to the Charterstone Jukebox, even though I know loyal reader Toots McGee wanted me to add "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Delilah?" But I added Edelweiss because over the past 11 years I have sung that song nearly every night to our various children, sometimes three times a night. So I think I'm close to 10,000 performances. That is, if you include the altered version I still sing to my 12-year-old son. He insists I sing the words of the Spider-Man theme song to the Edelweiss tune thusly:
Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Does whatever a spider can.
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies.

In the chill of night,
At the scene of the crime,
Like a streak of light,
He arrives just in time.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Today's Full Strip


  1. So umm... is Delilah trying to tell Mary that Lawrence is gay? and that is why they won't be having children?

  2. Chester(humming along to R and H)June 28, 2009 at 9:19 PM

    Mary: "The cast recording of THE KING AND I? Delilah, I didn't you had an Ebay account!"

  3. If you like singing Spider-Man to the tune of Edelweiss, try interchanging the lyrics and melodies of Amazing Grace and House of the Rising Sun.

    We also sang Edelweiss to our kids at bedtime, as well as a number of other R&H standards. (Sorry, this isn't really about MW.)

  4. If you like singing Spider-Man to the tune of Edelweiss, try interchanging the lyrics and melodies of Amazing Grace and House of the Rising Sun.

    We also sang Edelweiss to our kids at bedtime, as well as a number of other R&H standards. (Sorry, this isn't really about MW.)

  5. I also sang Edelweiss to my youngest son at bedtime! His older brothers listened to "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and "Close to You" by the Carpenters.

    I was on vacation with my hubby for awhile and have returned to find that 1. the suitcase is still unpacked 2. Delilah wants children and doesn't want the father to travel so much 3. She hasn't told this to her husband 4. sentiment is necessary until it becomes the only connection left in a relationship 5. Mary and Jeff are connected by "understandings"

    Did I miss anything?

  6. Nope duckduck, you haven't missed a thing. welcome back.

  7. I like Mary's refrigerator magnet in the first panel today. It's either a dog or a tiny reindeer.

  8. So your son insists on Edelweiss with the lyrics from Spiderman? I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Wanders... :)

  9. I thought Edelweiss and the Spider-man theme song were really similar, too! I thought I was the only one in the world who thought this until I Googled my thoughts and found this blog post. I'm hoping to one day edit a video mashup of the scene in the movie with the Spider-man song.

    Also, if anyone knows the bizarre song "Fish Heads", use its lyrics with the song "Music of the Night" from The Phantom of the Opera.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.