Monday, June 29, 2009

Mary Worth 513

Of course there are some Lawrence-and-Delilah things of which Lawrence would not approve of sharing, such as the New York Times crossword puzzle. Lawrence is insanely jealous of anyone who tries to do the New York Times crossword. That is their thing! He once punched out a valley cab driver because he saw a half-done crossword sitting in the passenger seat.

Other things that Lawrence refuses to share with the general public:

Pride and Prejudice
Orange juice
Large saucepans
Burro refrigerator magnets
Howards End
Robbie Benson
The Empire State Building
The Dixie Chicks
Burt Reynolds
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Daniel Johnston and Jad Fair
The Prime Directive
High School Musical 2
Aluminum foil

If you doubt the other-worldliness of Rodgers and Hammerstein, then listen again to Edelweiss on the Charterstone Jukebox.


  1. Lawrence won't share... the blueprints of his down-in-the-valley-so-low house with anyone.

    Oh, my head HURTS from trying to follow the silly feelings, understandings, and sentiments that are necessary until they're not necessary!

    And lastly I think Delilah has a "girl crush" on Mary. She is even wearing a matching pajama & robe combo like Mary's.

    Now I will go listen to otherwordly music.

  2. They stayed up all night listening to a Rodgers and Hammerstein soundtrack and now they're in the kitchen having coffee and toast and continuing the unpacking conversation. Delightful!

    I want this conversation to stretch out over walks in the park full of eavesdropping squirrels, bike rides down Old Country Rd., strolls through the burn ward at Santa Royale Genreal Hospital, etc. Let's sort out the importance of sentiment as a function of necessity (or is that the other way around? I was never very good at functions).

    I wish they had stayed up all night listening to to Jad Fair and Daniel Johnston, or better still if Jad Fair and Daniel Johnston had dropped in for coffee and to deliver another quote.

  3. Having being raised in a household where R&H music was included in my Dad's music collection, I can say that I heard a lot of it. Rare and otherworldly were never were words which sprang to mind whenever the hills were springing to life thanks to the effects of music. Maybe Mary thinks it's otherworldly because it wasn't composed at the Bum Boat.

    The green of the benches in the kitchen are not so much horrid as traumatic. I lived in a town house for a couple of years which a kitchen with lots and lots and lots of bench space - all laminated in that exact shade of green. That was many years ago and I'm still in therapy because of it. :(

  4. Rare and otherwordly? Mary needs to listen to more music.

    Gee, this story is about as bland as that white bread in the toaster.

  5. I never, ever, ever want to see Mary's finger pointing right at me like that again.

  6. The only thing otherworldly going on in this strip is Karen Moy's writing and I don't mean that in a good way.

  7. Ahh,young love. Sharing something as special as Rogers and Hammerstein has created a bond that not even a "transitory" lifestyle can break. I can't tell you how anxious I am to find out what other "special things" are shared by Delilah and Lawrence. I'm quite certain they will include the Champagne Music of Lawrence Welk and a bicycle built for two. My bet is that these two love birds will be back together before Mary can whip up another batch of salmon squares, which in real time will take about six months. Following shortly thereafter will be the conception of a child to the strains of "Getting to Know You".

  8. djangosmom,
    Initially, I was interested in today's strip because Delilah seems to be hinting at her husband's controlling and domineering nature and Mary isn't even responding.

    But then you pointed out the (I think it's a reindeer) refrigerator magnet, which is really much more interesting. Because it's summer and Mary doesn't live anywhere near the Arctic.

  9. Mary's toaster looks like one of those industrial strength units.

    All D can do is complain and moan about her poor life. Any minute Mary is gonna crank up that Rodgers and Hammerstein compact disk to full volume, just to drown her out!

    Tomorrow, we will see Mary in the powder room, with D outside the locked door, still blabbing on and on.

    Perhaps Mary will soon take D for a little walk down New Country Road, where she can dump her in a ditch!

  10. Amber, I was going to post the same thing! Her finger-pointing is scarier when accompanied by that clown-like grin plastered on Mary's face.

  11. I think Delilah sleeps in that headband. And Mary Worth must sleep upright to preserve her coif. Minus the bedclothes, these two ladies sure do keep up appearances for each other. I know I put lipstick on every morning, even just for breakfast with my mother-figure.

  12. Finger-pointin' Mary looks like she's trying to sell me something.

    "If you act right now, I'll include -- free with the Meddling Kit -- three salmon squares and my secret Scampi recipe! Act now!"

  13. I think it is time to start wondering about the following:

    1. What is Aldo Kelrast's cousin doing now, over a year or so after his oration at Also's graveside services?
    2. How is Drew Cory doing with his work in Peace Village? Were Dr. Cory's patient's records transferred to another physician at the clinic? Are his SR patients receiving qualilty medical care now?
    3. Are Ron Amalfi and his brother still getting along? Who is Ron dating? Do his constituients approve of his votes on the town council? Any sign of scandal? Will he run for mayor? Would you be willing to contribute to his campaign?
    4. How are Scott Hewlitt and Dr. A. Corey doing? Are they still an item?
    5. What about Mary's competitor from several years back -- Ella Byrd? Where and how is she?
    6. Has Dawn Weston completed her education yet? Has she married? Boyfriend?
    7. Is Ted Confey in the pen?
    8. What does Dr. Jeff do while Mary is meddling?
    9. Lynn Griffin and her dad -- are they still getting along?

    We should demand that we be kept up to date on the going-ons of past characters. I worry about their health and well-being as I know many of you do. Can we take action? Perhaps we should form an association. There is strength in numbers. I suggest that our first meeting be at the annual Succotash Festival in Louisiana this December.

  14. Im with you Paul, but I want to know how Chester is doing?... and what about the $50,000?!

  15. Good questions, Paul, and I've also wondered about Rita Beglar, the alcoholic who threw her drink in the restaurant and who broke Mary's precious swans! Is she still sober and does she still work in her cousin's store?

  16. 1. God willing, planning Mary's comeuppance for "driving" his cousin to a lethal DWI. It involves tying her up in a car trunk with a bottle of Jack on the accelerator.
    2. Still waiting for that big check from one of his dad's friends! Any day now...
    3. They have a travelling show where they brawl in the parking lots of various hospitals for cash.
    4. She's trying to introduce him to the wonders of face-fondling. It's a slow-go.
    5. The one thing psychic meddler Ella never saw coming was that hard block of salmon squares to the back of her head. Mary meddles alone!
    6. Dawn is in Mary's closet, in a drained stupor, her life force readily available for Mary to feed from should she need it.
    7. Ted managed to talk Adrian into posting bail for him.
    8. Three words: await further instructions.
    9. Her dad hasn't given her permission to answer.

  17. WHOA... Rogers and Hammerstein, and Mary! OK...the R&H song that Mary would tell anyone it's her favorite- "Bloody Mary" ("Bloody Mary is the girl I love./Bloody Mary is the girl I love./Bloody Mary is the girl I love./Now ain't that too damn bad!")

    Second, the R&H song that maybe, in a sincere moment, she would acknowledge the fit-"I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair"
    ("You can't light a fire when the woods are wet,/You can't make a butterfly strong./You can't fix an egg when it ain't quite good,/And you can't fix a man when he's wrong!")

    And, finally, the R&H song she knows, but cannot face, as her truth-"I Cain't Say No" ("I cain't resist a Romeo/in a sombrero and chaps./Soon as I sit on their laps/somethin' inside of me snaps./I cain't say no.")


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.