Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mary Worth 514

One of the most reasonable things you can do when you need to get your head together is run out on your spouse without explanation. It really helps lay the groundwork for that family you want to start.

Today's Full Strip


  1. "One of the most reasonable things you can do when you need to get your head together is run out on your spouse without explanation. It really helps lay the groundwork for that family you want to start."

    Wanders... exactly. What the heck?

    And Mary's gentle comments (not) suggesting that Delilah should re-think it all... I keep thinking that in one of the next panels, she is going to stuff Delilah into the trunk of her car and TAKE her back to Lawrence!

  2. If Lawrence is a healthy and sane man, Delilah's abandoning him is the best thing that could happen to him, legally and for the sake of his future. Although he may have difficulty severing the Rodgers and Hammerstein bond, I am quite certain that he would be much better off without her. I wonder why Moy is so intent in portraying women in such a negative light.

  3. whoa...how will this tie in to the 4th? independence? no taxation without representation? pocket rockets? The guy is Great Britain; Delilah is the colonies, wanting to stay part of the whole but insisting on what's right. And Mary? She's timeless, after all, but history isn't her thing, and she thinks she's Kissinger.

  4. Is this the first time the food depicted actually looks like food?

  5. Obviously Mary hasn't ever been to their house, but I get what she's saying.

    Did Delilah even TELL Lawrence where the heck she's staying? He must be worried sick! Certainly by now he would have called his sweetie if he knew her whereabouts! (If for no other reason, just to make sure she's not suffering indigestion at Mary's.)

  6. I have decioded I don't like Delilah. Can we just fast forward right to December and the end of this storyline?

    I really like seeing Marys dining room from the ceilings point of view. Very avante garde!

  7. Chester the DoggieJune 30, 2009 at 3:51 PM

    Maybe it's time for Little Flashback Mary to appear, as Old Mary tells D a story of being unwanted and unloved as a child, until, one day, a stranger presented her with a gift...a recording of R&H's OKLAHOMA! (on 78 rpm records of course).

  8. I think Delilah is sixteen years old, emotionally, far too young to be married. And I have to wonder if her summer-long visit with Mary couldn't have been wrapped up over one short lunch ... or a tea ... with pink cupcakes.

    Good for Mary, staying on top of that Fosamax and sitting up so straight at the table.

  9. I like the angle, too. It's like a scene from "The Sims:Retirement Home". Walk Mary to the bathroom! If Mary's face flashes in a speech bubble, it's a chance to meddle!

    Robert said...
    Is this the first time the food depicted actually looks like food?

    I couldn't put my finger on it, but something seemed out-of-place in this strip. Now I realize what it is, thanks to you: it's the realistic illustration of recognizable food items! Those are eggs! Coffee! Toast!

    Now, if only we could identify that bowl of pink eyeballs garnished with lime wedges in the center of the table, we'd be gold!

  10. Maybe Delilah can tile Mary's floor while she's there. No, wait a minute, that was Toby wasn't it. Sorry, it's hard to tell them apart as they share the same level of maturity and intellect.

  11. Wanders! You went back to almost daily comments! So glad to have you back on the daily schedule. :)

    I've decided the pink eyeballs (loud guffaw) are meant to be peaches ... like you sometimes get with a few leaves and piece of stem attached. Very artistically arranged peaches tho. I hope Delilah isn't foolish enough to attempt to eat one, and ruin the display ...

  12. I've never seen 1-point perspective taken it to such a dramatic extreme!

    While Delilah's side of the room looks orderly and stable, as long as she doesn't try to leave the table, Mary's chair seems to have floated up and out from under her, coming to rest in front of the very tall, sloping armoire, just in time to catch the sliding lamp.

  13. I guess I wonder why Delilah can't just talk things out with Lawrence, since they are 'sooo connected' and have 'such special understandings'.

  14. "Remember there are two people who are part of the equation"

    Yes that would be Rodgers & Hammerstein.

    It's summer an were runnin' out of ice!

  15. Mary has run amuck with her favorite color paint in the breakfast nook: chair backs, chair seats, picture frame, sideboard, toast, egg yokes, liquid in cup, and baseboards -- they are all the same color.

    Vicki, time for you to go to work to liven up the decor, even if you have to get some discounted mis-mixed color paints from Home Depot or Lowes. Even ugly colors would be an improvement.

  16. Ummm...where are the utensils? Eggs aren't salmon squares, Mary....

  17. It is nice to see real food and all and at a different angle...but it still looks like the food and everything on the table is sliding down toward to the lower half OF the table.
    and I agree with duckduck and Chester the dog-I don't like Delilah because she seems to be emotionally stunted and I wish the story were over. I think it is a non-story.

  18. July 1st-Delilah shows her true colors!

  19. Mary Worth Discussion GroupJuly 1, 2009 at 8:46 AM

    mary never bothered with a tablecloth for Jeff or Toby..this ENRAGED me...

    I think Dee might find comofort in the strong hairy arms of Terry Bryson!


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