Monday, July 6, 2009

Mary Worth 518

This story just went from "Who cares? This story stinks." to "Who cares? This story smells awesome!"

Not since Ted Confey have we seen a man depicted so despicably. And, what, that was an entire one story ago. Of course, it's also been one whole story since we've seen a woman depicted so brainlessly as Delilah (Adrian). Stories about brainless females who hook up with creepy males never get stale.

But what makes this story especially fresh is everyone's 1972 fashion sense! I'm smelling Worthy Award nominations everywhere I sniff.

Today's Full Strip


  1. I swear to God I thought that was Jeff yesterday, or possibly his look-a-like Detective friend (who I can't be bothered to look up the name of). Can we please get some different hair colours going on here??

  2. That quote about having to go to the bowling alley to meet a woman of your stature is from the movie "Arthur" Arthur's butler said it to Liza Minelli's character.

  3. djangosmom! You are correct. I shall try to add Arthur's Theme to the jukebox in honor of your victorious reply.

  4. The dialogue is also straight out of the seventies; I'm thinking "Three's Company," perhaps.

  5. Charley's pick up line, coming up next: "Heyyy babe...whatchoo doin' back in town,?---are you givin' a concert? Cuz if you ARE, hey, I've got your instrument right here!"

    Poor Mary, she's not looking too well, is she!?

  6. I get it now; Delilah must have grown up in Santa Royal's working class area, Los Royelle.

    She must have been like Akeelah in Akeelah and the Bee (a movie that I very much enjoyed). Akeelah is smart, but her environment threatens to strangle her aspirations. She is mentored by a college professor, Dr. Larabee (played coincidentally by a Laurence) and ends up providing her community with someone to rally around and be proud of.

    Apparently, you can take the girl out of Los Royelle, but you can't take Los Royelle out of the girl.

  7. Delilah: "Thanks for explaining to me why I should stay with Lawrence, Mary. Now buzz off, I'll be seeing you later. Oh, and don't lock up -- I might be late."

  8. If that's Charley's "come hither" look, I'd really hate to see his "ravenous cannibalistic frenzy" face. Those two are so easily confused, after all.

  9. thank you, Wanders.

  10. The bizarre thing about Moy is that she creates characters that I find impossible to empathize with. They are so unattractive that I just want to slap them and watch them suffer.

  11. Mary's already wringing her hands at Delilah's flirting with another man! Mercy, this will never do. I think she'll paint a scarlet "A" on Delilah's revealing blouse in tomorrow's panels.

  12. OMG I never saw this coming...John Ritter (Charley) in Mary Worth.

    And I thought Old Navy stopped selling those striped shirts years ago!

    Charley: I love patio furniture.

    D: I love Rogers and Hammerstein.

    Charley: Oh yea, they were great. KISS ON MY LIST is my favorite. I saw them at the venue once.

    And MW finally enters the Eighies.

    "Come a knock on my door...patio furniture too!"

  13. Mary does NOT approve.

  14. I didn't know they let people like that(Charley)into Charterstone?

  15. I sense another intervention. This time involving Delilah and/or Charley. lol.

  16. tuffenuff hates Charley alreadyJuly 7, 2009 at 8:29 AM

    Nice intro for the leering Charley, eh? (shudder).

    If Delilah is such a polished prodigy, why is she talking (interestedly, I might add), to a creep like Charley???

    And by the way, not sure how old Delilah is, but maybe late 20's, more likely, early 30's? Creepy Charley looks to be a 20 year old bum. How old might he have been when they dated?...


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