Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mary Worth 519

Hey kids. Ethics quiz:

You and your husband have been married for several years. You both want children, but you feel that your husband's extensive travel schedule will leave you overly burdened as the sole caregiver. Do you:

A) Discuss your concerns with your husband?
B) Run off without explanation to get your "head together?"
C) Hook up with your drunken high school boyfriend and go bowling?

If you answered either B or C, you are an idiot.

Today's Full Strip


  1. You can practically see the daggers shooting from Mary's eyes in today's second panel!

  2. What, the WHOLE summer? That will give Lawrence plenty of time to recognize how fortunate he is to be rid if her especially before any kids come along. Now that Del is guilty of abondonment, the divorce should be a slam dunk. Unfortunately for us, the whole summer in Moy time will take us to at least 2012. I certainly hope that Del is contributing toward Mary's the expenses.

  3. We see why Lawrence might keep his wife in a windowless house during his travels.

  4. ...also starring Mike Meyers as Charley...

  5. I am afraid that Mary is going to twist her hands off completely if she keeps wringing them like that.

  6. Delilah looks so perky!

  7. Well, "perky" is certainly one word for it, LoL!!!

    Oh, what is Mary to do!? Has she perhaps even been SET UP by these two fools, as a convenient alibi?

    And how long (and which character?) before we see the familiar "black-ink-blots-splashed-on-the-face" treatment? Or the half blue/half yellow face?

    I call it for July 11. Lawrence will finally call and Mary will tell him Delilah is, um, "out...with a friend" Of course they will be at a SR restaurant, but I don't know which one. Maybe Golden Corridor?

  8. Wow, is anyone else picking up on some positively sizzling sexual tension between Mary and Charley Smith?

  9. C'mon Mary! Lay an archly-worded beat-down on this clown! Who does he think he is to meddle in your ... meddling!


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