Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mary Worth 521

Is that YOUR arm, dear reader, actually reaching into today's strip to soothe Mary Worth's rising storm of rage? I don't know how you've done it, but thank you. Otherwise, Mary might have actually butted in, and we all know how she hates to do that.


  1. I don't think I have ever seen Mary so horrified.

    My husband said that Charley looks like a grown up Goofus from "Goofus and Gallant" in the Hghlights magazine.

    Gallant works hard lecturing around the country to provide for his wife. Goofus stays home and hustles Gallant's wife.

  2. Mary was possibly making some progress in urging Delilah to return to Lawrence, that is, until Charley showed up. So now what leverage does Mary have, at least while Delilah lives with her? How about the threat of salmon squares, three times a day, for the rest of the summer?

  3. Those are literally sticks of hatred shooting out of Mary's skull, and they ain't aimed at any particular person, folks, so duck away!

  4. Chester (loving it)July 9, 2009 at 9:48 AM

    Yay! Mary's brain is gonna explode any minute! This is good TV!

  5. This story's gotten much better with the promise of a Mary explosion. I'm hoping this will result in a classic panel to top Mary's famous "Capiche?" to Aldo Kelrast.

  6. It well may be that Delilah won't be staying with Mary for much longer this summer. No, a few giggling phone conversations with cheeky Charley and her bags will be packed and she'll be shacked up with him instead. Ah, the shenanigans that will ensue.

    I just hope that Charley is able, well-rounded sleazeball that he is, to appreciate the otherworldly quality of R&H. I'm sure Lawrance would would Delilah to share it with Charley too.

    And poor Mary. She'll end up in ICU after suffering a massive head explosion and will spend the rest of this particular story clutching feebly at the sanitized bed sheets and whispering, to the empty room, "The swans, the crystal swans."

  7. Damn, it should be "Lawrance would want" not "Lawrance would would".

    Damn early hours of the morning!

  8. Goodness, what was Mary thinking, walking skimpy-topped Delilah down that path near the jungle!? Everyone in SR knows to stay away from that place! You can just feel the pulsating rhythms of LUST emanating from within. Even the blue sky knows to stay away! And we all thought SR was this nice little coastal city in California.

  9. Welcome to the Jungle, Mary.

  10. Too ironic. My Pandora station just started playing "Leave Him for Me" by the New Lou Reeds.

  11. Man, I can't believe I just saw Mary dragging Delilah off of Charley like that. Like Delilah was her teenage daughter or something.

  12. For being a child prodogy, geez, D, is a pretty dumb girl. I guess Mary was right, when you stay in her spare room, you go by her rules!

    1) No TV after 6pm
    2) You can only drink coffee and Tang
    3) No exchanging telephone numbers with sleazy former boyfriends.
    4) Hands off Jeff!

  13. change phone numbers? Why? They're in the same condo complex and, obviously niether has a cell phone....and Mary's not going to let Delilah use the phone in her place anytime soon.

  14. I am so loving this plot line; love Mary dragging Delilah away and, doubtless, sending her to her room.

  15. I'm surprised Mary didn't grab Delilah by the hair and drag her down the pathway. Looking forward to the stern talking-to Delilah's in store for!

  16. I'm hoping for another Charterstone pool party. Because Delilah would wear a polka-dot bikini and Charlie would wear (and say) something totally tasteless!

  17. Hooboy, maybe Delilah and ol' Slewfoot Charley there were the "perfect couple" after all!? Mary is livid enough to hatch up another
    evil scheme"take out the garbage." Will it be another car wreck? Poison Salmon squares this time? I can't wait! Am lovin' this!!!

  18. Yea, Swallace, you are right. They live three doors away form each other (apparently Chartersone is pretty small) All Charley has to do is grease up his hair, crush a beer can on his forehead, and walk down the hall to Marys door. But

    I bet Mary has told him again and again to stay away

  19. Today's strip was simply awesome, Mary actually DRAGGING Delilah away like a recalcitrant 5 year old!

    I'm off on vacation tomorrow for 2 weeks so I'll have much to catch up on when we get back! Sayonara!

  20. I was very discouraged by the trudgingly slow start to this story, but this is turning out to be great! I love it!

  21. Did somebody use story (by Moy) and great in the same sentence?


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