Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mary Worth 522

"Delilah, does marriage mean nothing to you? When you choose to marry, you make a promise, a vow, an oath, a covenant to never sever that sacred bond of holy matrimony. You promise to love and cherish one another. To see one another through good times and bad. And you promise to forsake all others. This is exactly why Jeff Corey and I shall never wed!"

Gosh, how I hope she calls Charley. I hate to think this may be the last time we get to enjoy his company.

Today's Full Strip


  1. I guess those are MARY'S hands that have Delilah in a pincerlike grip dragging her away from the 'scene of the crime' Mary hasn't been so demonstrative since the CAPISCE incident with Aldo. (I am not sure I spelled capisce correctly)

  2. "Maybe if we duck, he won't see where we went!"

  3. Wow. This is the best Mary Worth ever. Just look at her! Manhandling menace! Rush the little one away!

    I love it! Her expression is a thing to behold. Slap a burka on her and shove her in the desert Miss Mary!

  4. No supper for Delilah this evening! And it's going to be straight to bed without listening to the "R&H Otherworldly Half Hour" on Mary's old crystal wireless either.

  5. Don't even try to get away, you naughty Delilah. Mary wrestled at Bryn Mawr.

  6. "Sorry, Charley"

  7. I think Mary has touched Delilah more times in three days than she has touched Dr. Jeff Corey in three YEARS! By the way, where is the good doctor these days? You'd think he'd be marginally interested in Mary's summer houseguest.

    And how is the Scotland trip going for Tobey and Ian, I wonder?

  8. I believe Mary's Medusa-like facial intensity has turned Charles to stone!

    Or perhaps he actually turned his back in this panel and is addressing some other Charterstone honey...he is a such a "Wolf" after all.

    Hmmmm is there a Charterstone Pinup girl Calender for 2009?

  9. This is the best story in a long time. I hope Sunday's strip is a long harangue from Mary on how a lady is supposed to behave, and how Delilah is behaving like a trollop at a hippie love-in!

  10. Wow! Mary is such a mega-meddler! Why did she let Delilah out of the house dressed like that? And why is Deliliah passively letting Mary manhandle her like an errant kindergartener? And why do I care so much?

  11. Mary: "You are a married woman, Delilah!"

    Delilah: "Even though it was our thing, our SOMETHING SPECIAL between us... he would want me to share it."

  12. Chester (runnning from the madness)July 12, 2009 at 12:29 AM

    Mary: "D, no salmon sguares for you tonight, we'll dine at the Bum Boat"

    D: "gaggg"

    Meanwhile, Toby has booked a trip to Scotland at


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