Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mary Worth 532

Yesterday, we learned that Charley, to his credit, doesn't like to hang out with children. In other words, even Charley has some boundaries.

Today, we learn that he likes to drink Scotch on the Rocks, the most vile of all beverages. And yet, women are magnetically drawn to him after they argue with their husbands. Let's hope Delilah comes to her senses before she does something she regrets, like stealing a coaster.

Today's Full Strip.


  1. How long will it be before it registers with Delilah, who wants a family, that Charley thinks children are for other people, you know what I mean?

  2. MW plot lines are SO ham-handed! How much less amusing this would all be if Charley was a reasonably decent human being. Instead, we get this total caricature to poke fun at.

  3. and I really would like to know what kind of prodigy Delilah is, 'cause so far she just looks like an idiot to me.

  4. Surprised Charley's not having a Harvey Wallbanger. And Del a Sombrero. It's what their clothes would have ordered.

  5. Say what you want about Charley, but he has the same taste as Dr. Jeff in that he has his whole library rebound in "classic grey".

    Actually, if I recall correctly, all the books in Santa Royale are bound in grey, at least those that we've seen in the public library's voluminous pet training section and those that the volunteers at the hospital make available to patients (many on family counseling and antibiotics).

    I'm presuming that Charley owns books. Perhaps he has his "periodicals" bound professionally.

  6. Charley can't be that much of a drinker if he still has a bottle of notorious marketing failure Clear Scotch™ hanging around from the early 90s.

    Or maybe he's just breaking out the good stuff for Del? Smooth!

  7. All the disgruntled prodigies are drinking club soda these days. I read about it. In an in-flight magazine. That I bought in a car boot sale. Eighty years ago.

  8. Charley doesn't seem like the type who's gone through a life-altering event that's made him tragically sleazy overnight, so I have to wonder: how did these two ever get together ever? EVER?? Ever.

  9. I have to spend a bit of time imagining what kind of even would make a person "tragically sleazy" overnight! lol

  10. I'm still stuck on Tuesday's strip where Delilah thinks the art will scar children forever. What kind of art is it? Child porn? Animal porn?

    I can only imagine what Karen Moy would be shocked about.

  11. We are all aware of the problem that Moy has with the English lauguate. I believe that rather tha prodigy she meant "idiot savant" with an emphisis on "idiot".

  12. Did I say lauguate? I think I meant language. Somebody needs to improve their typing skills.

  13. I see Charley shares Dr. Jeff's taste in wall colors, and he obviously has shopped at Mary's favorite store, Sofa King!

    Maybe he and Del can break out some sugar cubes for a lively game of dominoes while they sip their beverages! Maybe we're just being too hard on poor ol' Charley! So far he's been nothing but a gracious host and (well, somewhat of...) a gentleman with his ex-girlfriend D.

  14. Who knew that Charterstone had a dark side?

  15. The only kind of artwork that I can think of that would shock children and scar them forever is a compromising picture of Mary Worth. Like maybe the picture where she was having dinner with the politician.


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