Monday, July 27, 2009

Mary Worth 531

I'm back from a wonderful vacation with my family. We visited relatives, which I usually don't refer to as "vacationing," but this was really nice. However, this past week has been extremely hard for Mary Worth:

Just look at her face! Mary has never been so depressed. Try as she might, she can't seem to take hold of Delilah's life; Delilah keeps insisting on working things out for herself.

Delilah, you fool! Don't you know what happens when you refuse to let Mary meddle? You end up standing inside the door frame of a villain from The Amazing Spider-Man without any perspective whatsoever.

Today's Full Strip.


  1. It's Charterstone in zero g.

  2. I thought Welcome mats went outside of a house.

  3. This isn't Charley! He has a middle part, this guy has a pompadour. Similar taste in shirts, though.

  4. Really? Crossing her fingers behind her back to ward off the karma of telling a lie? Being called a "child prodigy" all those years has stunted her emotional growth.

  5. I don't get it. Del is crossing her fingers as she tells Charlie that she was thinking of him. So she WASN'T thinking of him? Then how did she end up at his place?

  6. I am too weirded out by this!!!
    All I can think is, Giella's Community College Adult Ed. "Drawing 204" evening class' assignment was... "invent and render a dramatic, unusual indoor perspective". Critique: 7/27.

    It just ends up looking like some strange cross between Archie and Veronica and Batman and the Joker!

  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the door to Charley's apartment opened to Delilah's right in Sunday's strip, but to her left today.

  8. Charley seems to have learned is hand gesturing skills from the Sims.

  9. Charley: "I was just thinking of you."

    D:(stepping over a stack of VHS tapes from on the floor)"So I see."

  10. Fuller: in this case the welcome mat should be on the inside of the door, so Clarley's departing guest can wipe the filth form his pigstye of a home off their feet before they leave and return to the clean outside world.

  11. Maybe Charley has low self esteem (the grand hand gestures are just grandstanding) and he has the welcome mat leading outside to bolster himself up. "See," he says as he steps out the door, "the world WELCOMES me!"

  12. Welcome Back Wanders!

    In the first panel, Charley looks like a snake evaluating his prey.

    I did also wonder about the Welcome mat.

  13. I think Delilah is about to be 'scared straight'. lol.

  14. by SuperSleaze!lol

  15. Man, I had to go back and read yesterday's strip again because I thought I somehow had missed a day! The action is moving so quickly here! Charley looks like he is literally dragging Del into his apartment and wastes no time showing her his "etchings"!

  16. This could be the most spice in a Mary Worth cartoon EVER!!!

    And as an aside: I still say that Jack N. and Heath L. have nothing on Charley's portrayal of "The Joker".

  17. As pandagrandma says, the pace of the action has picked up a bit. Did we skip a few days? Normally, it would take a week or so for Del to make her way from the front door to the art gallery. Tomorrow, Charley will be saying, "Have some madiera, my dear." Lawrence is going to look good to Del after her encounter with Charley, if she manages to escape.

  18. LoL, This is terrible to say, and SHAME on me, but...I would pay money to see Mary's reaction to these "objets d'art"!!! It would be hilarious! Her hair would frizz up like a Brillo pad!

    Now, I have to ask--how did Charley acquire these incredible art pieces, as he says they're from a "collector". He doesn't say "art dealer". Are they stolen?

    If Charley is Del's ex-boyfriend, would she really be all that shocked to learn of his proclivity for such... um, "art"???

    (I agree, Charley does look incredibly like the Joker from the sixties Batman series, doesn't he!?)

  19. Lordee! The action! The dialogue! Poor D!

    Karen Moy and Giella must be on vacation.

  20. I can't figure out the art; sorta looks like a painting that is crawling out of its frame. (The children! The children!)

  21. Upon encountering art that might appear, um, risque... I must say, the last thing that I would ever think to think, or mention would be what the children would think!

    How strange.

  22. Looking again, the woman in the painting is not even naked. What in the world is Del shocked by?

  23. And would children really be scarred forever by seeing a painting of a scantily-clad woman? Are we to presume this is the PG-13 version of Jeff Koons or Mapplethorpe artwork?

  24. Robert - Oh my gosh, you are cracking me up!
    The thought of Mapplethorpe artwork in MW is simply too much to comprehend! How funny!

  25. Will we ever see this filthy art work?

    I think that D is such a prude, she'd blush at a Venus De Milo Glow in the dark poster.

    No wonder she and Lawrence are having marital problems. She probally passes out when she sees him in his BVD!

  26. "scared straight" is right; that Charlie is one dirty young man!

    Hey, didn't Toby once talk about something in the Charterstone bylaws thats prevent renting an apartment to such an undesirable tenant?

  27. You have wandered into a dangerous place, young lady. And that place is HETEROSEXUAL MALE DESIRE!

    Run, run! Free yourself of his magnetic charms, and run into the arms of the lady who shelters you from such inconceivable proclivities!

    Mary, and her tight li'l web, await you. Wait no longer for them!

  28. Hold up, Del is worried about a bathing suit clad woman in a painting? Isn't this the woman who routinely walks around the park with her entire torso exposed?


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