Monday, July 20, 2009

On Vacation

Dear Reader,

I will be traveling this week, and do not expect to post. Heck, I may not even be able to read Mary Worth, which is killing me because I'm dying to know if Delilah calls Charley or not.

Respectfully, etc.



  1. Have a great time, Wanders, and whatever you do, DON'T get "a little tired from traveling"! It looks painful!

  2. You go on vacation just as we learn that it is Delilah, not Lawrence, who is never at home? The biggest plot development in thirty months, and where are you. Off having a great time, enjoying life and your family. Why, of all the nerve! Hmph!

    Seriously, have a great time. The plot will be in the same place it was when you left.

  3. Wow! Wait til Mary finds out she is being duped!

    Wanders, Have a great time!

  4. What the ??????... That is NOT Lawrence!!! Who is that man? This is just toooo weird!

    Wanders, have a great time and don't worry, they will still be on the phone when you get back.

  5. Enjoy your trip, Wanders! Hopefully you'll be back in time to see Mary explode and use Italian words she never thought she'd use when she learns that Delilah lied to her.

  6. Mrs. Worth??? She does NoOT send her regards. D is a liar. And, hmmm, D has a habit of visiting former old lady neighbors, hmmmm?

    The plot thickens. Almost as thick as Lawrences gelled hair.

  7. Vicki's right. I checked archives and the June 6th Lawrence looks younger and more benign than the July 20th Lawrence.

  8. Wanders, How is the weather out there in Santa Royale? I hope you are enjoying your vacation. lol

  9. Vicki (seeing Superman)July 20, 2009 at 7:53 PM

    yeah, he looks like he's on 'roids or something! (And where is his neck?) Also in panel one I think he even vaguely resembles... Clark Kent!

    One look at those perfectly folded shirts (returning home from a trip no less!) and that's ALL the proof I need that he is the real Superman! Not to sound sexist, but NO guys I know would do that!! Those puppies would come home all wadded up in a ball in that suitcase, LoL!

  10. Oh, dear. In re-reading this, I guess I assumed Lawrence was home, rather than on the road. He's holding a cell phone, so he could be anywhere.

    My bad. The Clorox Clean Up I spritzed in my hair must have bleached my brain. I just wanted hair like Mary's *sniff* :(

    (He still resembles Clark Kent, though.)

  11. Could this possibly turn into a love triangle amongst Grandpa Lawrence, Del, and dare I say...Mary? Oh please Lord, make it so!

  12. Wanders is visiting Santa Royale?

    Break out the paper plates, Mary, and starting heating up those leftover (350 by my count) salmon squares, cause you got company!

    Will Wanders run into D during one of her long "walks"?

    Things Wanders should do while on vacation..

    1) ride smallish horses
    2) visit a venue and hear singers
    3) dine on salad and stew
    4) delight in the insignificant
    5) call Mrs. Wanders on his transistor radio phone while in the mens room/kitchen at THE GOLDEN CORRIDOR
    6) wear slacks with a matching belt

  13. Vicki, apparently Lawrence takes his dirty shirts with him while travelling, to get them washed and pressed. D is no whiz at laundry you know.

  14. Seems that when someone presses Delilah about home, commitment, or marriage, she changes into that top.

  15. Duck,

    I guess that Delilah is similarly gifted in the powers of "outfit morphing".

    Saturday Mary is wearing purple w/ black flowers. Delilah, her hoocthie, trolling outfit. Sunday, (seemingly minutes later) Mary is wearing purple and black squares, Dee wears a more conservative Coral top, with a knotted scarf at her neck. (perhaps they had gone to church?)

    Okay, that's not so bad. But when she has to take a walk - Delilah is back in full hootchie regalia... and then goes out for a fake walk.

    My question:

    WHERE IS SHE WHEN SHE IS CALLING LAWRENCE/MATURE GUY? Certainly she is not in Mary's home. Mary would be at her threshold with a cup to the door, listening...

    Help me figure this one out, kids.

  16. Mary makes a guest appearance in today's Pearls Before Swine:

  17. Vicki (wearing baggy t-shirt)July 21, 2009 at 1:24 PM

    Lawrence just doesn't understand me, boohooo!!! MEAN old Lawrence! I'll show him--I'll call Charley!

    Sooner or later that naughty little top is going to get Dee in trouble for sure!

  18. Ha! for weeks we saw this story from D's point of view. NOW we get the real dirt from Lawrence, who, it seems,is not getting much from the romance depsrtment.

    D looks like she was just about to film an introduction to MASTERPIECE THEATER, sitting in the fancy highback chair.

  19. $#^% Chester the &^%*& DogJuly 21, 2009 at 10:08 PM

    Hey! Wanders is away. We can post all the non family friendly stuff we want,oh wait, this is Mary Worth, it's already been done.

  20. tuffenuf, that is a good question. When D says it's time to make a call she is walking away from Mary's house. Could she be at Charley's? I guess she knows everyone at Charterstone, she could be anywhere.
    I have a question. Why would a husband put up with a wife that takes 'breaks' all the time from the marriage?
    That remains to be seen.

  21. But if Lawrence is off touring when D is taking "breaks" then it shouldn't really matter.

    I find it perplexing that he can gad about the countryside admiring the interior of numerous warped-perspective hotels while Delilah is expected to stay home and murmur reassuringly to the patio furniture.

    I am starting to think her "breaks" are of the psychotic kind.

  22. ok, I just thought of a really good question. If Lawrence isn't home anyway,why does Delilah have to go away (and imposition Mary) to take a break from him?

    She's whacked alright!

  23. Perhaps it's not Lawrence she's fleeing but the persistant patio furniture. Those voices atart to get very loud after awhile. ;)

  24. I won't be posting a blog entry, but I did get to read Mary Worth and catch up on all the exciting developments. The Many Faces of Lawrence Jonis are making me very confused. And I've loved everyone's comments. So much to ponder.

  25. Numbats may be on to something. D's looked very different the past 2 days but her reflection in the "Psycho-Scope" on the dresser is like the last few weeks (or is it years?).

    Bad artwork (Oh never!)? Parallel universes? Is D' really Charlie Smith? IS IT ALL A DREAM!!!!

  26. Holy Moly, that's "The Adams Family" house! Who knew they lived right down the street from Mary in Santa Royale!? That would explain a lot of things, though! Maybe Del is related to Morticia?

  27. Swallace... the "Psyco-scope! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love it.

    I thought it was a crystal ball, but now I believe it is a horribly botched job of a mirror.

    Poor poor Ray G. the life of an illustrator is rife with snipey comments like those from us. Glad my artwork is my avocation and is not published. (Come to think of it, others are probably glad, too...)

  28. It's a mirror? I thought it was a collectable Delilah plate.

  29. Mary Worth is making a guest appearance in Pearls before Swine this week. Be sure to check it out. It's classic!

  30. A very funny Mary appearance on PBS!

    Anyway, I disagree with Lawrence that D "seems upset". My impression is that she's relaxing in that chair without a care in the world, playing mind games with him, asking him how can he question her commitment?! How can he NOT? Run, Lawrence, run.

  31. The Psyco-scope? Mary must have gone thru several by now, based on all the loonies we have seen over the months, er years, er, decades.

    I wonder if it has a USB plug, so Mary can download the images to her Epod and entertain friends at Charterstone pool parties.

    It is good that the Psyco-scope only requires Windows 3.0 in order to operate. Mary must have a drawer full of saved images, all on floppy disks.

  32. That sphere with Delilah's head in it is like the crystal ball in Wizard of Oz; Delilah sees the one she most desperately wants to see (for Dorothy it was Auntie Em, for Delilah ... well, Delilah), just before the witch appears to freak her out (with her legion of flying salmon squares).

    The hourglass is running out, Delilah! There's no place like home, there's no place ...

  33. No wonder Lawrence is so cranky, he's got to carry his shirts all over the place in cement suitcases.

  34. How bad do you have to be for other strips to mock you? In Moy's case, VERY BAD!

  35. While Lawrence is a rantin' at Dee, I've been peeking at, and IN that crazy suitcase of his! I see the top is 2/3 the size of the bottom! And hoo boy, I'd love to see him wear that awful brown necktie!

    haha--love the Psychoscope and the Windows 3.0 operating system! Yep, you just KNOW Mary has an old shoebox full of floppys up there on her closet shelf!

  36. NO ONE, No, NO ONE hangs up on Del! Yikes! She is going to summon all the evil in the world and order her patio furniture to give Lawrence a good shakedown.

    This is getting ugly.

  37. Chester,
    tomorrow's panel will show Del with the Psycho-scope, surrounded by the gang of flying monkeys that she is preparing to dispatch out to Lawrence's location...

    I thought that the smoke coming out of her ears was going to light my screen on fire! Such high drama!!!

  38. If I were Lawrence, I'd lock his hotel room door real good and move the bureau in front o it. I'd also siuggest he keep his cement suitcase by his bet,so he can swat those flying chaise lounges that are going to attack him real soon!

  39. I can't wait to see what happens when Mary crosses Delilah like Lawrence just did! Seriously, this is the best story in ages.

  40. "Game Over. Thank You For Playing." -click-

    The look on Dee's face could scare small children!
    Heck, it's even scaring ME!!

    But not to worry--Charley will soon be done with his afternoon shift at the Adult Videos & Bookstore off the SR freeway exit. He can come over to the Adams Family House and offer poor, distraught Delilah some... er, 'comfort'.

  41. Chester (the scared) DogJuly 24, 2009 at 2:22 PM

    I don't know about you people, but this Halloween I'm going as Delilah.

    She kinda reminds me of Leona Helmsley in a good mood.

    I'd hate to be one of D's piano students, geez, one flat chord and, you're toast!

  42. WOW! Del was so mad, her eyes crossed! That was great. lol.

  43. Now I know why Lawrence "likes everything she prepares". Can you imagine D's reaction if he didn't like a dish?
    "I never expected that you wouldn't like these salmon cakes, Lawrence... and I can't ask you to eat them
    ...this is complicated." And then, without warning, the left eyebrow would start to swell.

  44. I really enjoy watching that slut seethe. Giggidy.

  45. OK, so how and why did she change her clothes -- AGAIN!

  46. It looks like Mary and Jeff are playing dominoes. I have never seen them do anything except sit on the couch and drink coffee!

    Meanwhile, Wonderwoman dashes out of the house in a snit! lol.

  47. Do we know what building Delilah just exited? It looks like a school or library. And whoever she's going to see had better "batten down the hatches." Zounds! The anticipation for Sunday's strip is almost palpable!

  48. Tony, I wondered about the building, too! And why a purple jumpsuit? Is she going to jump out of an airplane? Or plant a car bomb under someone's car? Delilah, the "perfect" girl, the "child prodigy" whom everyone adores, is about to go ballistic and cause some major chaos! And I have to kind of snicker, as Mary has NOOOOO idea, as she calmly plays dominos. Grab the popcorn!

  49. Oh my gosh, Mary and Jeff playing DOMINOS? It's so awesome by itself, but it's even better in contrast to a fuming Delilah, who looks like she's about to revenge makeout with the first Charley-esque guy she sees.

  50. 7/25 The perspective is so far off in that first panel I can't even begin to work it out.

    I think Mary and Jeff are playing the hardest level of Scrabble, which features no board or letters on the tiles.

  51. I don't think those are dominoes. I think they are playing with sugar cubes.

  52. Holy salmon squares, D looks madder than Linda Carter after they cancelled WONDER WOMAN.

    Good thing Charley is back from the SR adult dvd store, cause D needs his quarters to wash her yellow halter in mary's coin operated washing machine!

    It actually looks like Jeff and Mary are playing Restaurant Scrabble..."Three Trees, Bum Boat, dammit, I don't have 2 R's for Golden Corridor."

  53. Did Dee just leave the SR Middle School? Her old 7th grade music teacher now has a shrunken head and babbles in Swahili!

    The power of Dee, run all, run!!!

    More powerful than Clorox Clean up.

    PS Vicki, do you live in NYC?

  54. Oh what a tangled web we weave...

    ...when instead of compromise, we leave.
    ... when we keep Chuck's number up our sleeve.

  55. duckduck, that is so clever!. I like that.

    I was thinkint that we knew Delilah and Charley would end up together at some point we just didn't know when.
    And also,who was in the Dee gets together with Charley pool for the 26th?

  56. First panel I'm thinking: Dee's eyes of Death have a laser bead on that poor woman at the door!!! What has SHE ever done to you, Del!!?? Relieved, I see she is going to let the innocent woman live. (Clearly, though, that gal is making a beeline outta' there to get away from D.)

    birdie is right about Mary and Jeff's game--those DO look like sugar cubes!!

    Chester--no, I don't live in NYC. I'm way out here in the heartland, in flyover country.

  57. I've had my heart broken by this strip before. While I'm hoping Delilah has shown up at Charley's door for eyebrow-raising purposes, I almost fear she really has stopped by to teach him how to play the piano.

  58. birdie: Actually, my first thought was that Jeff and Mary were playing something with Mahjong tiles, and then I thought, has anything even vaguely ethnic every graced this strip? "The Golden Corridor" almost sounds like it could be a Chinese restaurant, but we know their lumps of food look just like the lumps of food you could get anywhere else.

    Anyway. Wanders' week-long hiatus has made me realize just how much I look forward to this blog. Hope you come back soon, and well rested!

  59. Is anyone else unable to read the online "Mary Worth" today?

  60. It's up now. (8:10 am)

  61. Glad to see that Charley of Monday 7/27 is back to looking like "The Joker". Yesterday, I thought there might be ANOTHER, impossibly handsome Charley out there. Perhaps Delilah's eyes were so stressed out from being crossed with anger that her vision was impaired for a short while...


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.