Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Dear Mrs. Wanders,

I can't believe it has been 17 years. No one says "I love you" better than Mary Worth, so I'll let the good citizens of Santa Royale express my feelings:

Indeed it is, Mary, indeed it is.




  1. Wes, I think you should dedicate a pick on the Charterstone Jukebox in honor of you anniversary. Have your wife pick it.

  2. Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Wanders.
    My husband and I were also married in '92! It was a very good year...

  3. Happy Anniversary, Wanders family! Here's to 17 years of more than "only connect[ing]."

  4. Happy Anniversary! And thanks for making me laugh all over again with the "Mistakes were made" panel. Great montage of the ups and downs of love at Charterstone.

  5. Happy Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Wanders! Glad to hear your love "stayed on track", as Mary would say.
    Keep on connecting!

  6. Congratulations to the wonderful Wanders's! Enjoy. In honor of Mary, perhaps a nice dinner out featuring seafood is in order.

  7. Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Wanders! May your life together continue to have more cheerful colours in it than that which we find within the panels of Mary Worth.

  8. Chester the Dog (tossing rice)August 30, 2009 at 12:26 AM

    A round of Sanka, Tang and salmon squares for everybody!

    Wanders, thanks for making us all laugh, and for letting us all laugh with each other. You have made Charterstone and our lives a less dull place to visit.

    May there be, one day, a pool party just for you and your wife.

    I'll bring a gallon of catsuo.

  9. Happy Anniversary! Yes, '92 was a good year for gettin' hitched.
    The look on Mary's face when she spits out the words "Isn't love grand?" makes me think that while Toby and Ian were "playing bagpipes" all summer and Delilah was discovering which man's "Rodgers and Hammerstein" she preferred, Dr. Jeff was too busy to do any "reconnecting" with her.

  10. Belated congratulations to the happy Wanders!

  11. Wanders, you bring such joy and anticipation to my life. Each day, I first open MW for the boring first act, then "Mary Worth & Me" for the spectacular finish. I wish you and Mrs. Wanders a very happy anniversary. If you keep her laughing as much as you do us, you will both have a wonderful marriage.

    Edgar Allen Poe, H.L. Mencken, Cal Ripken, Wanders....
    Maryland rocks! ...Of course

    Any questions?


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.