Friday, August 28, 2009

Mary Worth 557

Since both panels in today's Mary Worth strip make me feel a little queasy, I'm not going to reprint either one. While I remain grateful that "Ian and Toby do Scotland" remains a minor subplot in the grand arch of Santa Royale, just the thought of them connecting as they explore new territory seems too disturbing. Plus, the couple on the bench making out? I have no idea who that is, and I've been following this strip for years. They do have the same hair color as Scott Hewlett and that girl who got scammed, but please don't tell me we're returning to another story about them! Especially if it involves kissing.

Today's Full Strip

By the way, if you disagree with Mary's strangely enthusiastic exclamation that love is GRAND (just look at her elation), you may enjoy this wonderful film! My wife and I loved it.


  1. I was puzzled at first but I think that is Scott and Adrian in the second panel. I'm with you on Toby and Ian. I REALLY don't want to hear about any of their connections! ewww

  2. tuffenuff (hurling)August 28, 2009 at 8:47 AM

    Toby: "...literally as well as figuratively.."

    ...wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

    Audience + Mary: (hurl-hurl)

  3. @ tuffenuff

    That's exactly what I thought too. Though I must admit I laughed... after I finished hurling. One wouldn't want to combine the two - not by any stretch of the imagination.

    The mental image was overwhelming, horrifying but mercifully brief.

  4. I like to think that Mary uttered "isn't that grand" with a Bette Davis inflection.

  5. Oh, and it is also sad that Scott is still wearing the same suit. I wonder if that polyester has been ironed into shiny by now.

    Numbat - EXACTLY! "overwhelming, horrifying but mercifully brief"

    The look on Mary's face is priceless.

  6. ewwww...Toby might have well just said, "we picked up a book titled "101 Favorite Scottish Positions" at the corner bookstore. The mind boggles at the image of Toby and Ian "connecting".... just ewwww.

    PLEASE, Moy, do not return to Adrian and Scott! Begging you, BEGGING you!

  7. It looks like it took Adrian and Scott three months to finish their ice cream cones.

  8. Mary doesn't look all that thrilled to hear that Toby and Ian connected so well. She so wants to meddle in something, but even Mary doesn't want to go there.

  9. Geez, can't Adrian and Scott do that in Adrians car?

  10. I just don't think that Moy and Gilella are communicating. There is no way that Gilella is infusing the emotions in his renderings that Moy intends her dialogue to convey. There is also the possibility that Gilella is intentionally undermining Moy's intent which makes my admirition for him soar.

  11. Darn I was hoping for a "Return of Drew Corey" storyline, and instead we get "Adrian the Gullible Pinhead Gets Scammed by a Suave, Handsome Suitor Part Two." Disappointing, to say the least.

    Come on, Ms. Moy--why not pick the older, jerkier Corey sibling? The Drew/Vera shippers (read: NOT ME) are still keeping the flame alive...why not give them a little something for their trouble?


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