Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mary Worth 556

Delilah's gained a lot of perspective over the years, stepping away from her situation so frequently. Thank goodness they made up... again. And thank goodness for Podcasting. It will save their marriage. I really don't have much to say about today's strip except that it is pure brilliance. The perfect summation of "Valley of the Dels."

Today's Full Strip


  1. Mary didn't tell us that she spent her evenings at the Santa Royale School of Ventriloquism while Del was off on her walks! Toby understood every word Mary just said and she didn't move her mouth even once!!

  2. I'm also amazed by Toby's ability to talk AND eat with her teeth clenched.

  3. Mary only saw Del for one day, I seem to recall. NOt much of a visit.

  4. The way the clump of shrubbery in today's two panels makes it appear there are two Marys at the table. Isn't one horrifying enough?

  5. "Mary, dear, you need to put the glass down. You've had quite enough to drink so early in the day."

  6. But there's no secret message! Oh noes!

  7. But where's the secret message? I live for the secret message. I demand a secret message!

  8. I agree; I miss the secret message. Mr. Wanders isn't ailing, I hope! Perhaps just summer malaise.

  9. "... and nothing gives you a sense of perspective like gin & tonic in a tall tumbler. WAITER!"

  10. I agree, sometimes the only thing that makes reading Mary Worth-while is the secret message. lol

  11. Maybe Wanders will treat us to TWO secret messages on Thursday to make up for the deficit.

  12. Thursdays strip: "Only connect" Whatever Mary, that's the lamest quote you ever spit out of your booze filled mouth.

  13. a poetic interpretation of E.M.Forster:
    Only connect the prose (love in practical terms) and the passion (Rodgers and Hammerstein), and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height (inspired).
    Live in fragments no longer. (gain perspective)
    Only connect, and the beast (Charlie's place) and the monk (Mary's place), robbed of the isolation that is life to either, will die. (Del and Lawrence will make up)

  14. Chester,
    Maybe Mary was playing "dots".

  15. Brilliant, duckduckgoose.

    What do you think about the preceding passage?

    Mature as he was, she might yet be able to help him to the building of the rainbow bridge that should connect the prose in us with the passion. Without it we are meaningless fragments, half monks, half beasts, unconnected arches that have never joined into a man. With it love is born, and alights on the highest curve, glowing against the gray, sober against the fire.

    A rainbow bridge was constructed to make the connection (salmon square pink, fishnet yellow, headband purple, etc.)

    "Glowing against the gray, sober against the fire" sounds like Mary's End.

  16. Mary is getting hard core with her drinking! I don't think she's even OFFERED to share with Toby, as I see only one glass. (Geez, half the pitcher of gin & tonic is GONE already!!)'s "exactly what happened" Toby: Larry was gone too much and wasn't gettin' "busy" with Del. So she went to see Charterstone Charley to er, renew the "friendship", shall we say. But she changed her mind when she saw Charley's porno artwork. She then swiped his South Pacific DVD, slammed the door in a huff, then ditched Mary. She flew to Lawrence's motel and they decided they both wanted kids (and podcasts) and supposedly they got "busy" there, although Larry looked queasy. And that's about it in a nutshell.

  17. Now THAT, Toots, was inspirational.

    Poor Mary; Del's experience might be about as close to a Rainbow Connection as anyone can ever get in her salmon-hued world.

  18. Chester (the halter top)August 27, 2009 at 3:11 PM

    The real question is...what became of the yellow haltertop?

    Did Charley dig it our of the Charterstone trash bins to be framed and hung on his wall?

    Is Mary using it as a plant hanger?

  19. The 8/27 strip defines "the banality of being Moy" better than anything ever printed.


  20. Mary: "Lets connect...Toby, let me show you what I mean with these spoiled salmon squares. Lets place them around the patio, and we connect them...oh, the pitcher of gin and tonic is empty...oh well, just use the squares to finish tiling your kitchen. While you're in there, whip up another pitcher of gin and tonics, will you?"


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.