Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mary Worth 534

When Charley said he had all sorts of DVD's, I suspect he didn't have some of our family's favorite titles: Thomas the Tank Engine Takes a Vacation, Barbie in The Princess and the Pauper, and My Lil' Pony Rainbow Princess. If he had, I'm sure Delilah wouldn't be using the ol' "Do you have any snacks" ruse to escape back to Mary's pad where she will spend the night throwing up in disgust.

Today's Full Strip


  1. That's what I was thinking as I read-that Delilah would make a break for it as soon as Charley goes into the kitchen.

  2. ...and then when D gets to back to Mary's in a panic and tells her the story, Mary will have Charley kicked out of Charterstone.

  3. It would be more interesting if Mary got a twinkle in her eye, slipped into something more comfortable, and sashayed over to Charley's.....

    No, you're right, a gathering of Charterstone residents holding signs, pitchforks, and flaming torches is probably imminent.

  4. Robert, the image of Mary that you put in my head this morning was SO wrong.

  5. she has a look in her eyes like her car is stuck on the tracks and the train is coming .

  6. I'd suspect that a full episode dvd edition of all the Thomas the Tank Engines would make her beg for a snack to make her getaway. I sure wouldn't submit to those willingly.

  7. The only real danger for Del here is eyes glazed over from boredom! Anyone with that extensive a DVD collection must spend hours and hours watching movies! She can EASILY distract Charley by asking him questions about this movie or that movie. (I know cuz I work with some folks like that!)

    She outta' at least stick around to see if the snacks are any good! Hopefully he has salmon-y snacks. Or maybe some Tang pound cake?

  8. People! I just hope smirking Charlie has his britches on when he comes back from his snack quest! YIKES!

  9. I wonder if you can taste a roofie in a salmon square?

  10. Vicki, maybe they're the kind of movies you wouldn't want to be asking questions about. ;)

  11. "Damn you, Charlie! Damn you and your average-human-level sex drive! Good day, sir! I said GOOD DAY!"

  12. Anon: Yep, I'm thinking Del must be pretty "rusty" if it took her THAT long to pick up on Charlie's vibes! Lawrence is pro'lly gay, gay, gay, which would certainly explain some things.

  13. Vicki, I have always thought Lawrence was gay. I think that is one reason Delilah doen't have any children.

    If Charley comes back with Salmon squares, I will crack up!

  14. Aw man, if only this was Charterstone's production of "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." Seriously, what did D think she was knocking on Charley's door for when she declared "who. needs. him?" A game of pick up sticks? I know we've all asked this and it's just Moy being Moy. I can just imagine Delilah's tearful confession to Mary. " was so terrible! I went over to...sob...Charley's and...then...oh god..he..he flirted with me, Mary, he found me attractive. It was awful, may it never happen to me ever ever again."

  15. I am sure Rodgers & Hammerstein has driven more then one woman from the place with a slamming door. lmao. priceless.

  16. The angry look on Delilah's face is hysterical. "How dare he sully the names of Rodgers and Hammerstein with cheap seduction attempts, such as scarring artwork, club soda, and petting my hair? I've had enough of this! I really need one of Mary's sanctimonious lectures right now!"

  17. I think that she finally got past the "I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair part" and came to her senses when she heard Charley singing.


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