Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mary Worth 535

I guess Lawrence and Charley aren't that different from each other after all. The only difference, really, is that Lawrence's art work doesn't scar children.

Of course, I think this particular piece of art would only scar a child if it fell on his head.


  1. Is that picture supposed to be the one that would scar children? It doesn't look that bad to me. Does that mean that I am scarred already?

  2. When viewing the last panel in Sunday's August 2 panel I see the following changes from previous days: (1) The small entryway from the front door into the couch cave has disappeared since July 27; (2) The table and lamp with white shade to the left of the sofa (as you are facing sofa) is gone; (3) the large objet d' art above the sofa has been replaced by two smaller ones; (4) the table that was tall enough for Charlie to rest his forearms on while he prepared liquid refreshments for the two of them on a previous day has shrunk so that the same drink preperation could now be done by a midget; (5) That indoor welcome mat so many of you faulted has disappeared.

    Was the door slammage in the last panel caused by burglers beating a hasty retreat? Is Charlie a left-handed midget? Was it Charlie who left? Was it a ghost which just entered (now this could be really scarey)?

    We are scheduling a special session to these and other questions which have plagued the faithful at the Succotash Festival in Louisiana this year. Be there or be square.

  3. For a minute there I thought Dee was going to fall in love with Charley since he likes R&H, too! (A couple panels later it looks like she is SNIFFING the DVD! What's up with that?) Well, then she runs out the door, slamming it! My guess is, Charley will soon discover some items missing. I think she took his South Pacific DVD to complete her collection. Oh yeah, and that honkin' big swirly painting!
    Meanwhile, Mary is in a stupor--not feeling well, as she has consumed too many sugar cubes. She won't even notice Dee squirreling away her newly acquired treasures in the guest room behind the drapes.

  4. Oh dear, my ol' sixth grade english teacher would be upset with me! Dee's guest room isn't behind the drapes, of course. (But her stolen stuff is!!!) :)

  5. I just found this blog and have been entertained by the clever writing in both the posts and responses. I've been reading Mary Worth for 30 years now and I've never known anyone else who would admit to reading it, too. I feel at home here...

    One question, saved up all these years. Has Mary Worth ever known anyone, ANYONE, who was not a WASP? Are Jews, blacks, Hispanics, etc, allowed past the Charterstone Gates to a pool party as a guest, let alone someone who would actually be allowed to rent an apartment?

    Do you think Barack Obama received ANY votes from the Charterstone residents?

    I mean, I assume Karen Moy HAS looked around at the general population when she's ventured out of the Charterstone complex, and noticed that many more people look like her, rather than like Mary, Jeff, Ian, etc.

    Can any readers remember ANY ethnics in the comic? I certainly can't. It's kinda like Apt 3G, in the heart of Manhattan, and there are NO ethnics, either.

  6. Dee has decided that there is one thing special in her marriage that she WILL NOT SHARE ... ... and it's their MUSIC?
    It makes me wonder what she and Lawrence have shared during their marriage, you know, besides Rogers and Hammerstein. Really.

    I do, however, like today's talking lawn chair (panel 1).

  7. mary will sure be surprised when del busts in on her domino game with a lamp end table and south pacific dvd.

  8. Maybe D just hated Charley's singing? Maybe his singing voice is so horrible people flee from it.

  9. No, Phoebes, in my experience, everyone at Charterstone is peachy-beige. Their food and drink is orange and their books are grey.

  10. Chester (at the piano)August 2, 2009 at 9:51 PM

    For once, Chester here has no comment. This is sooo good.

    Charley must be a closet case, and is rushing to the Bum Boat (hehe he) to catch Waiter McSnooty at the piano bar, belting "Climb Every Mountain"

    Five bucks Dee will be at the piano shortly, accompanying Charley on "I am what I am"

  11. Realizing a free-spirit like Charlie will be too difficult to browbeat into submission through Mary's patented verbal-castration techniques, Dee surrenders for now her dreams of creating her own mini-Dr. Jeff and bids SleazeLand adieu.

  12. Not to traumatize anyone, but that 1950's-era pin-up model in Charlie's poster? Looks a LOT like a young Mary Worth.

    Just sayin'.

  13. Paul P. You forgot one biggie... The door that Delilah came into Apt. 3B through was solid, with the number plate at face level. The door that she left through looked like a prison cell door, with a small, square window at face level. That's creepy to think of having a FRONT DOOR with a face level window, so that all who pass by can peek at the pinup girl poster. (scandalous!).

    Phoebe, I loved your post. It seems strange to me that you are correct. I would think that in these politically correct times, an ethnic face might show up. Heck the writer is ASIAN, for cryin out loud! I am somewhat new here as well, but I don't miss a day of checking in. It is my daily comedy fix. These people are just hilarious!

    I just knew that the dvd that Delilah picked out was going to be x-rated. When it was "South Pacific", I just died laughing... What the heck....?!!!

    I think THAT scarred me.

  14. I think we've all come to the consensus that Delilah is snooty and immature and pretty nutty overall. That said, I would probably have the exact same reaction as Delilah if I popped in a tape thinking it was going to be a R&H musical and it wound up being porn. First the Dropped Jaw of Horror, and then the quick-as-possible escape.

    Phoebe: yes, where is the ethnicity? I thought last week maybe Mary and Jeff were playing Mahjong, and then I realized that would be ridiculous at Charterstone. And you're right, Apartment 3-G is pretty culpable most of the time, although at the moment Margo is in exotic India! (the Indian and Tibetan people look pretty white most of the time, though)

  15. NEWS FLASH!!!

    Charterstone was recently downgraded from condo to motel. The square window at face height is not a window at all, but actually the little one-page declaration of what went into your $59.99 per night motel rate, plus all the local hotel and occupancy taxes. For real--check out the cheap blinds on the window, plus the window-width AC unit to the left of the door and the couch placed right up against the doorway to the right. Typical motel design.



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