Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mary Worth 537

As Delilah catches the next flight to the Valley, Mary fumes that Charley Smith accomplished what she could not! Charley Smith! He is supposed to destroy marriages, not save them. That's gotta hurt.

Today's Full Strip


  1. I have one lingering question. From one of the last conversations between Lawrence and Delilah. Lawrence made a comment about Delilah going away periodically.
    So I wondered how many times Delilah has actually come to her senses?

    Maybe D should stop with South Pacific and start playing "The Sound of Music"?

  2. or "Cheaper by the Dozen" lol.

  3. Chester (in seat 4-B)August 4, 2009 at 10:07 AM

    I just hope that the flight attendant does not serve salmon squares as the in-flight snack.

  4. Mary looks dejected that she didn't get to meddle more.

  5. You never know, we could be heading for the most unexpected comics/TV series crossovers ever - Mary Worth meets Lost.

    Does anybody know for sure which flight Delilah is boarding?

  6. Mary must also be pretty pissed that D used Mary's good notecards to write such a silly note. I have a feeling that mary does not use the notecarsds too often, as meddling in person is so much more effective than by mail.

  7. Please god PLEASE. Let there be a plane crash. D floating among the Flotsam & jetsam as "I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair" runs through her empty little head. Mary smiling knowingly in the second panel as Charlie lights a candle at the local non-denominational church. Then off to the pool party!

  8. This story scares me. If Mary Worth stories can last a month or two and then be easily resolved without meddling...what hope is there for the world? I hope Karen Moy's not sick or something.

  9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the plane crash idea! Mary waiting up, drinking tureens of coffee with Jeff, waiting for the Santa Royale volunteer scuba patrol to call.

    Finally a scuba diver appears at Marys door, holding a sopping patio chaise cushion in one hand and a R&H CD in the other.

    "Sorry. Mrs. Worth, this is all we could find."

  10. Are those Mary's own personalized notecards or did Dee actually write "MARY" that large on a piece of paper? (I am remembering the humongous kitchen clock we saw in Mary's kitchen and our ponderings about her poor vision.)
    If Dee wrote that large, Mary must be having a devil of a time reading the rest of the note in normal-sized handwriting!

  11. I had anticipated so much more from Delilah and her elegant, sophisticated patio chair. And now it's OVER? An average-looking lawn chair asks us if we want chips and then it's over?
    This is disappointing. I need a break to think things over. I love Mary worth, it's just getting difficult for me to translate my love into practical terms.

    I'm taking off to the valley for a few days... by car. Don't know how long I'll be gone.

  12. It just could be time for another pool party, just as Toby and el Plumpo return from Scotland, luggage stuffed with DVD's.

  13. will they show charlie at the police station reporting the theft of his dvd and lamp. charlie seems to think the thief came in from the window that magically appeared next to his apartment door when del left

  14. Wait... what if this ISN'T over? What if Lawrence comes home with a new squeeze (male or female?) and says, "Del--I've been doing a lot of thinking, too...buh bye!) Then Del goes back to Charterstone, hooks up with Charley again (after she confesses to stealing his stuff, of course) and lives a not-so-happily-ever after life.

    Meanwhile Mary goes to Wal-Mart Vision and buys some eyeglasses. Oh, and a real set of dominos.

  15. This how I think the story will wrap up. We will flash forward about a month or so,then Dee will call Mary and give her the big news that she is expecting.

    I like Vicki's idea a lot,though.

  16. But did Charley have to eat a whole bowl of chips...alone?

    Vicki, I think Mary hustled off to Costco, the same place she buys those gallon bottles of catsup.

    Shaneless plug: If anyone is interested in seeing videos of scenes from my night of original one acts from here in NYC last week, please hustle over to www.pineyforkpress.com/thecreek.

    It's better than a plate of salmon squares!

  17. The airplane interior is flesh-colored. that is all.

  18. Vicki--

    This is Mary Worth/Karen Moy's world. Charlie will have redone the place with child-friendly artwork and become docile and committed. After all, his heart's really been broken here, and D coming back to him would mean that all is right with the world. Of, course, he wouldn't be the second coming of Scott (or Sam) Hewlett, insofar as being responsible, handsome, and having a great cleft chin goes, but he wouldn't be such a lech, either.



Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.