Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mary Worth 538

Poor Charley, how quickly he realizes what he could have had. Another meaningless, adulterous affair. How he regrets going for snacks. I mean, isn't that what Karen Moy is trying to say here? Although I usually stand in awe of Moy's writing, I must say that today I feel her message is unfortunate. Come on, Karen. Give us something uplifting, wholesome and edifying. Meeting a stranger on some enchanted evening does not refer to a one-night tryst.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Is that Mary and Jeff on the screen?

  2. Anon--
    That's what I thought! Why is Charley getting drunk and watching Mary and Jeff sing "Some Enchanted Evening" at last year's pool party?? I guess South Pacific isn't what was in that dust jacket after all!

  3. What I want to know is what happened to Mary's wall-mounted china cabinet. If it fell off the wall while Mary was reading Del's note, at the very least it would have disturbed the vase, but more likely there would be a some anchors hanging out of the wall. Maybe Toby showed up with some spackle and touch up paints.

    But really, I think this ending is so beautifully inscrutable that I don't want to pick it apart too much. I know many of us in the Worthiverse wanted more meddling or more of Charley's bizarre character (But how bizarre is it, really? What would you expect from a young swinging bachelor who's also a long time resident of Charterstone) but I think in this case that, inded, less is Moy.

  4. Lordee, how long is this note of D's? She must have written in really small print to fit it all on one side of paper.

    Yea, what IS Charley watching? What kind of creep gets drunk and watches South Pacific?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Knock knock. Who's there? Sam and Janet. Sam and Janet who? Sam and Janet evening you may meet a stranger.

    Anyway, I believe Charley's remorse has more to do with wasting a Viagra tab, a roofie for Del and a Netflix pick on South Pacific.

    I find Giella's rendering of Mitzi Gaynor's shoulder singing very Lichtensteinian.

  7. If only Charley had that SCOTLAND DVD in his collection...

  8. Charley's rep as a player destroying marriages is apparently just a rumor. Real players don't sit around crying in their scotch and watching 20th Century Fox musicals.

  9. Steven, I remember that knock knock joke! I was really young when I heard it and I had to have my dad explain it to me :)

  10. Oh well, maybe Charley can sell that DVD of South Pacific on If it's in good condition, he could probably get at least seven bucks for it! He could probably make some mint, on those ''other'' DVDs in his collection, too.

  11. great pun!,toots. "less is moy". I love it! lol

  12. i still wanna know what happen to the lamp and how the flatscreen appeared out of nowhere .that clear scotch makes you do crazy things

  13. I think Del hurt Charley's feelings so he ate all the chips himself and now he has a salt headache.

  14. I Learned It On Mary WorthAugust 6, 2009 at 12:10 AM

    I had no idea a well-within-average-range male libido was so frightening. Thanks Moy!

    "Oh, silly Charlie! Sexuality's not for expressing! You need to bottle it up until you snap like a twig!"

  15. You know, that actually isn't a bad depiction of Rossano Brazzi and Mitzi Gaynor...

    Beagle Vet

  16. He's sitting awfully close to that hovering television. Maybe it was the sight of his footprints on the screen that scared Delilah away?


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