Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mary Worth 549

As Lawrence continues to age, as Delilah's legs contort into unexplainable angles, and as Lawrence's framed traveling photo of his mother looks on, Lawrence takes his wife's giant head into his tiny hand and reminds her that spending time with his children is far more important than spending time with his wife. Especially in these Modern Times.


  1. Yay, the return of partner face touching!

    I believe the framed portrait is of a masked Mexican wrestler.

  2. Toots, I thought the portrait was of Mary Worth, making sure that they didn't get up to any shenanigans.

  3. Did we mention that Lawrence is a magician? On his way to getting slap-happy with Delilah, with a deft sleight of hand, he put on his fake Rolex!!!

    Watch out David Copperfield!

  4. tuffenuf -trying to keep it on the up and up.August 18, 2009 at 12:50 PM

    Oh - before I forget... If the size of L's hand on Del's face is any indication -- I think we ALL know what their problem has been. (wink-wink, nudge-nudge)

  5. Holy creepiness. Lawrence, I don't want you or your idiot wife near anyone's children, especially yours.

  6. Wes, You crack me up!

  7. Well golly, what grown man WOULDN'T lug around an 8x10framed photo of his mother as he travels from motel to motel!? And yeah, that tiny hand...nudge, wink!

    Amber: you are sooo right about the children!!

    Chester: Glad to hear Lucy Van Pelt was safe and sound on the floor at Target. I do know what a sinking feeling that is! My most recent similar experience: expensive digital camera left on a bench at the Charleston, S.C. Visitor's center. Couldn't believe it was still there, but was overjoyed!!

  8. Why does Lawrence sound like he's about to sell Del something?
    It's the BabeeMakr 7000! Now we don't even have to touch each other!

  9. i think lawrence pulled the watch out of dels mouth plus how did he get the lamp to come to his side of the room . i wish penn and teller would come and explain this magic

  10. Hasn't everyone lived in modern times? I mean, whenever you live... that's the modern era for when you live, right? Unless you live at Charterstone, where it was only modern until 1964.

  11. I think Lawrence's strategic hand placement is there to save us from the gruesome sight of Del's jaw unhinging. Seriously, Del, why the long face!
    Her earlobe is squicking me out too.

  12. Maybe he is going to stuff envelopes at his kitchen table.


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