Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mary Worth 550

That's a great idea. By the way, whose book were you selling on August 7th?

And podcasting is another great word to use in these Modern Times! Tons of money to be made there. Hey, maybe you could even start one of those web-logs on the Internets, or as the kids call them, Blogs! You'll be rich in no time and never have to leave home again. Take my word for it.

Time for another Not-A-Real-Contest™ contest: It looks like Delilah is thinking of writing a book. I'd love to hear your predictions for her title. The winner picks a song for our beloved Charterstone Jukebox. As always, Not-A-Real-Contest™ contests are not real contests.

Today's Full Strip


  1. "How to Make Decisions and Stick to Them" by Delilah Jonis (former child prodigy)

  2. "The Complete Rodgers and Hammerstein Guidebook"

    "Patio Furniture for Dummies"

  3. "Salmon Squares, Stalkers and Scotsmen : Growing up as a Charterstone Prodigy"

  4. "The Time Traveler's Wife"

  5. "The Ideal Couple: Practical Ways to Show True Love". -and-

    "Making a Difference with Headbands" by Delilah Jonis

  6. "Family-planning for Dummies"

  7. "Musicals, Midriffs, and Mary Worth: Marriage Therapy for Modern Times"

  8. "I Know What Happened to the $50,000, and other tales of disappearing funds" by L. Jonis and D.B. Cooper

  9. Chester the ProdigyAugust 19, 2009 at 2:35 PM

    "Be a Child Prodigy in 30 Days"

  10. "Interview with a Vampire: my Summer with Mary Worth."

  11. I vote for Maggie's Interview with a Vampire:My Summer with Mary Worth. I laughed out loud!

    So Lawrence wants to reach people off road? He doesn't look like the type to do ANYTHING off road.

  12. "These are a Few of My Favourite Flings"

    "The Prozac Guide to Happy Talky Talk"

  13. "These are a Few of My Favourite Flings"

    "The Prozac Guide to Happy Talky Talk"

  14. "Salmon Squares For the Soul"

  15. the endless hotel room or B=blond with glasses in hotel lobby

  16. Remembering Charley: A Night of Passion

  17. I vote for Numbat's "These are a Few of My Favorite Flings" ... which would work nicely on the Jukebox!

    It would be so fun if someone was to rewrite the lyrics as well...

  18. if someone were to...??

  19. Chester (for the soul)August 19, 2009 at 8:56 PM

    Anon: "Salmon Squares For the Soul"

    I love it!!!

  20. Here's a couple:

    "It's Complicated: Translating Love into Practical Terms"

    "Major Life Decisions: Overcoming a Patio Furniture Obsession"

    "Just Friends" by Delilah Jonis and Charley Smith

  21. This is too rich! You guys are ALL cracking me up!!!

    Duckduckgoose: Love your alliteration in "Musicals, Midriffs, Mary Worth" etc...

    Lawrence just wanted to say the word "podcasting" because it's a really cool word. He is so hip to these modern times, I tell ya'.

  22. "Delilah's NeverEnding Story"

  23. "Charlie Was a Rolling Charterstone"

    "DELILAH: A Rare, Otherworldly Prodigy"

    "Living in the Valley With Lawrence"

    "Bloody Mary is the Girl for Me: How My Almost-Surrogate Mother Used South Pacific to Bludgeon Me into Saving My Marriage"

    and finally:

    "Delilah: Love someone tonight"

  24. "Art of a Kind: Pinups, Pornography and Prudes"

    "How to Succeed at Marriage by Failing at Adultery"

    "How 'South Pacific' Saved My Lackluster Marriage"

  25. "How to Succeed at Marriage Without Really Trying"


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.