Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mary Worth 560

I love Mary's look. "That's your good news? After several months of dating, they're getting along well? My condo is so crooked I need a new curio cabinet each week just to keep my plates from falling to the floor, and the best thing you got is you had lunch with your daughter and her boyfriend? Well, la-di-DA."


  1. Again with the eating... do these people do nothing else??

  2. Heads up, Jeff: Mary is all worked up about "all the things in the world that are not right". You might have to bring her something a bit more significant than the slow progress of your daughter's more practical love life. For example:

    I spoke with Drew in Peace Village. He's doing wonderful things for the people there.

    Adrian has successfully launched her recycling program at the hospital.

    Scott Hewlett has finally recovered the $5000... and Adrian decided to donate it to Peace Village.

  3. Thats good news? Geez, the Santa Royale Gazette MUST be notified!

    OK so Jeff had to have lunch with the love birds to find this out. Does't Adrian live in Jeff's garage? Hasn't she said a thing to him in the past few months? Or is she too busy acting out "Charterstones Next Top Model" in her car?

    Well, well, another boring meal with Mary and Jeff. Some things never change.

  4. Jeff looks like he forgot to put his teeth in for the first panel.

  5. Mary sets the table for her two invisible friends, then she feeds Jeff his Pablum.

  6. duckdg (laughing out loud)September 1, 2009 at 6:14 PM

    ...but then again, who needs teeth for Pablum?

  7. Yeah, either Jeff has forgotten his dentures in panel one, or he's doing that thing we used to do as kids where you poke out your bottom lip and turn it way under.

    How is it Mary has not already picked up on the current dating status of the two dimbulbs?
    I suppose playing sugar cube dominoes consumed 100%of their mental faculties. I mean, one can only concentrate on one thing at a time. But still...

  8. Hey Mary, I have some good news! My daughter and her boyfriend haven't broken up yet! Also, my car still has gas in it, and Full House is coming back for another season of reruns!

  9. Chester, NOT begging for scrapsSeptember 1, 2009 at 9:24 PM

    "Good news, Mary, my dry cleaning is ready."

    "I have good news, too, Jeff. The seafood scampi on your plate is ready to eat."

    What is that wierd little box on the table? Snuff?

  10. Steven, all they do in Charterstone is eat, gossip, take short walks, and gossip.

  11. That wierd little box is Jeff's denture cup! lol

  12. From the meals I've seen Jeff and Mary eat I think it's safe to assume their favorite meal is boring brown mush. Either that or it's the only meal Mary knows how to make.

  13. Young people are more familiar with the shapes of various foods, as they do not run their meals through a liquifier.

    Perhaps our friend Joe Giella could give some starving young artist a chance in the "biz" by outsourcing the illustration of meals.

    Just an idea.

  14. I had always imagined there would be some sort of comb on the back of Mary's head...

  15. "I like Scott, except for one thing..."

    A) He doesn't put down the toilet seat.

    B) He is alway borrowing my Rogers and Hammerstein records.

    C) He drinks right from the milk carton.

  16. "I like Scott except for one thing...

    A) He's not his father, Sam. Oh, I had SUCH a man crush on Sam back in the day!"

    B) ... that darn talking dog!

    (for younger readers-- notorious serial killer 'Son of Sam' claimed his dog talked to him, telling him to kill certain people. NOT our own Chester Dog, tho)

    C) He buys tissue boxes with flowers on them, Mary!

  17. --he ticketed my Adrian for driving without a steering wheel. That is soooo unfair!

    --he refuses to call Adrian "Queenie", even though he KNOWS she adores that nickname!


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