Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mary Worth 564

It will be so sad when Scott develops a heroin addiction. But, alas, those are the risks he takes in his job.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Wow! Looks like Lawrence Jonis showed up needing his jacket during the presentation as
    Detective Hewlett appears to now be wearing the SRPD standard issue black/blue/hair color match uniform.

  2. The only way I can imagine why heroin addiction is 'skyrocketing' in Santa Royale is because someone is putting it into the seaafood.
    I suspect Waiter McSnooty.

  3. I have had a little myself, that is why I can't spell seafood. lol

  4. Oh my goodness, heroin addiction IS skyrocketing in SR. Just LOOK at that chart on the wall!! *shudder*

    The female cop with the blond pony-tail has exited the room. I hope she's not in the ladies room getting a fix! Perhaps all this news is too upsetting for her.

    The chief looks like he could be a McSnooty relative, alright. I just can't bring myself to trust his "shakedown" plan, based on that mustache.

  5. It's Ted running the meeting! Tired of impersonating a photographer, he's now impersonating a police officer.

  6. I betcha the vertical lines on that chart read: 1, 2, and dangerously skyrocketing toward 3 heroin addicts in Santa Royale.

    In defense of the chief, he looks much more trustworthy today, now that he's trimmed his mustache, tightened his face, and hit the gym.

  7. ... or is it that his hair color went from brown to black?

  8. Weren't the cops in the previous strips wearing street clothes?

  9. Oh... my... gosh! Of course I meant to say horizontal lines. Djangosmom, you and I need to lay off of the schmack!

  10. djangosmom, your theory makes a lot of sense. And that enormous batch of salmon squares Mary made some time ago: don't they resemble pink bricks of heroin? Waiter McSnooty and Mary are obviously in cahoots.

    I find it shocking, out of 9 police officers in today's final panel, they couldn't even depict one as African-American. And they sent the lone female officer out of the room, since heroin busts aren't "ladies work."

  11. Robert, don't you know there are NO African-Americans or Hispanics in Santa Royale.

  12. The family and I were watching a trailer for 'The Men Who Stare at Goats' and saw Mary Worth's Bit Player! (the chief) He appears exactly as he did on Saturday's strip, 2:04 into the (PG13) trailer.

    I anticipate a great performance from Bit Player now that I've seen him in a George Clooney film.

  13. To Phoebes: It may be there are other ethnic groups present in Santa Royale, but none of their members show up in the panels. Believe it or not, life in SR goes on outside the two-panel strip each day. If there were four panels, we may be treated to a more representative view of SR.

    Another possibility is that SR is not really in California, but in VT, ME, or NH, each of which has a very low minority percentage.

    Wasn't Dr. Tran practicing in SR? I wouldn't worry too much about it. We have more important issues which need to be on the front burner including asteroids, Yellowstone erupting, alternate fuel sources, etc.

  14. Okay, Paul, maybe the fact that SR might be located in the NE might explain the absence of non-whites.

    Or, maybe it's located in Idaho...

  15. Barely Keeping Up, HereSeptember 6, 2009 at 8:46 PM

    Okay, so now we're saying that Mary is running smack secreted in her salmon squares, in conjunction with the McSnooty family, which has infiltrated the highest levels of both law enforcement and food service in Santa Royale?

    Because once again the make-believe story is far superior to the one actually being offered.

    btw, if Chief McSnooty is in on the salmon-square trafficking, did he say 'shakedown' because he's using his power to extort money from a rival gang?

  16. lol! I see now why Mary's salmon squares are such a big hit at the Charterstone pool parties!

  17. That's also why no one puts on a swimsuit and goes into the water. They're all too wasted.

    Let's hear it for alternate reality!

  18. Herion?? Out of control?? SR is a shambles! We need to call the local TV station!

    Vicki, that chart on the wall is right. Or does that chart show the number of SR residents who have moved away from this drug den.

    And those aren't just pool parties, they are gatherings of...herion sellers. Watch the catsup bottles there, people.

    Hmm is that really Splenda Mary uses in her coffee...

  19. GOLDEN CORRIDOR, THREE TREES...all havens for addicts!

  20. GOLDEN CORRIDOR, THREE TREES...all havens for addicts!

  21. ... and now we know what Mary uses to keep Doctor Jeff sedated and soulless. Mystery solved.

  22. Captain Seedy McMoustache, may we suggest that you send the 12 year old boy in the front row (Officer Alfalfa, on the most dangerous mission.


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