Monday, September 7, 2009

Mary Worth 565

Ah, La Rosa, where they always serve an entire stick of butter and a giant bowl of sugar with your coffee.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Sorry, I can't get past that hair that's growing down Adrian's left arm....

  2. I hope he's not going to propose because that means that he'll be killed. :(

  3. Scott looks like he's high as a kite. Guess that's what it takes to manage a proposal to Adrian ...

  4. I think Adrian's hair is changed in these past few months. It looks more like a classic "bob" with softened bangs. . . Bravo, Adrian!

    But shadowing indicates a strong light from above, so I have to agree with pandagrandma and suggest long sleeves for the poor girl.

  5. Please tell me Scott is just fishing around in his pants pocket for a ring and nothing else! (Wouldn't a guy be more likely to carry a ring box inside the chest pocket of his jacket? You know, just to look more suave?)

    Maybe that's not arm hair, but a tattoo on A.?

  6. a tatoo!... like the name TED CONFEY ...inked over.

  7. Yeah, that image of Adrian's left arm and Scott groping himself have removed all the romance from today's panels.

  8. I think those are actually track marks on Adrian's arm - the twist is going to be that heroin consumption is up because Adrian's a user!

  9. Who is Scott looking at? The Eye in the Sky?

  10. Adrian has a tatoo that says: Queenie! (and it cost $50 grand)

  11. Here comes the face touching!!!

  12. I'm beginning to suspect that if Joe Giella does know how to draw black people, he has the art reference filed away under "Fictional Creatures".

  13. "...let's see ... Unicorns, Muhammed Ali, Centaurs ..."


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