Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mary Worth 566

I have a policy: Never criticize a marriage proposal. Whether it takes place on bended knee at her apartment on Valentine's Day before heading out to dinner on a riverboat followed by opening night of "Wayne's World" (that's how Wanders did it), or in a vinyl booth at La Rosa, marriage proposals are special and say something about the way a man feels about his potential bride.

One year ago, I was having dinner by myself at the classy restaurant atop the Space Needle in Seattle. The tables were packed together and I was sitting on a bench right next to a couple. The waiter brought them dessert in a bowl overflowing with fog from dry ice. The boyfriend reached into the foggy dessert and pulled out a ring. He got down on his knee and proposed. She emotionally accepted. Everyone else was pretty uncomfortable. I, of course, had to be the first to congratulate them since his foot was under my leg while he was kneeling. But the proposal meant a lot to her and they'll never forget it.

What will Adrian never forget? Based on her line of sight, I say she's never going to forget the coffee cup that levitated itself off the table's edge when Scott opened the box with the magical radiating ring inside.

Today's Full Strip


  1. My guess is that she'll never forget how her glass eye popped out and went rolling across the table...

  2. She seems to be trying to hold her face together. Plastic surgery gone wrong?

  3. Looks to me like Giella used the wrong "reaction face" template. She's got the one for when the alien "pops" out of the boyfriend's stomach, not for when the boyfriend "pops the question".

  4. Chester said yesterday,"get ready for the face touching". I see he was right on the money.

  5. I would agree. Adrian's look seems to be one of horror, not necessarily one of sweet, emotional surprise.

    Maybe the ring setting is of very poor quality.

  6. Could Adrian be horrified because Scott used the ring that he earlier collected as evidence?

  7. Chester (on bended knee)September 8, 2009 at 11:15 AM

    Adrian is just a ninny. Of course you say yes, when Officer Redford proposes.

  8. Re: Yesterday's strip. I've heard of a "step further", "a step in the right direction", "a step forward". I've also heard of "taking a relationship to the next level". What I have never heard of is a "step better".

  9. Adrian's reaction says that's a proposal of a sort.

  10. i really love those strips


  11. I wonder if Adrian perhaps is going to turn down Scott's proposal. That would be more dramatic than the usual boring story. But if she does accept his proposal, Mary hurriedly helps her prepare the wedding in two weeks (actual time, not comic strip time) to coincide with the heroin bust with criminals crashing the reception, I'll eat my hat.

  12. Ok, my question from yesterday was answered. Scott did indeed have the ring box from MegaMart in his front pants pocket. (Can't believe he was able to sit down!!!)

    Adrian looks positively gobsmacked! Horrified! Mortified! This cannnot be a "step better" for A. After all, Scott is but a mere cop; a NICE guy to be sure, but he's NOT the equivalent of say...a photographer from a world-renown mag such as Nation's Geography!!

  13. Poor A. was never told what to do in a situation like this by her departed mother.

    Of course her departed mother never thought this would ever happen. She assumed that A. would spend the rest of her life in the garage, behind the freezer.

    Ooh, a garage wedding! Will the bridesmaids wear - oh forget it, A. doesn't have any friends to be brideamaids.

  14. @ Chester

    Hahahaha! - maybe she could ask all of Ted Confey's ex-wives to be bridesmaids...

    Dr. Cory can take some photos of Adrian in her wedding dress decending the monumental staircase to/from nowhere in the front room of his 1-story ranch-style Home.

  15. Isn't it obvious, as we jumped directly from Jeff's expression of concern for Scott's safety to word of an upcoming drug "shakedown," that Scott won't be with us much longer?

  16. I love the image of A.,the bride, walking down the staircase on the man cabin, I hope it happens.

    Just to see A. clomp down those wooden stairs one more time...

  17. I was wondering where the voice is coming from that is saying "say yes". It seems to be coming from across the room. not from Scott, anyway.


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