Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mary Worth 567

"...Except for $50,000. That, of course, is definitely not with me."

Today's Full Strip


  1. Say yes Adrian, you fool! Make a doomed man happy!

  2. Wanders,
    The highlight of my day is when I get to see your "secret messages". You always crack me up.
    Thanks for all the laughs!

  3. Adrian: "Excuse me while I go back to my car and think about all this."

  4. I think the $50,000 was recovered when Ted was arrested. Though, of course, you can't be sure of that...

  5. It'll be much more romantic in a couple of weeks, when we get to watch Adrian tearfully accept Scott's proposal while standing by his hospital bed, bringing him out of his coma.

  6. Adrian, If I were you, I wouldn't sign off on your "Santa Royale City Fan Club" website's [dating] profile just yet. You just might need to cast your hook back in those waters again in say....oh, I dunno...a couple of weeks or so. Just sayin'.

  7. Has it really been less than a year? Seems like an eternity has passed. In any case, a she-man like Adrian should grab any proposal she/he can get.

  8. Will Adrien ever finish her rounds at Mountview hospital?

  9. Has it really been almost a year? It feels like it's been about three days in MW time.

  10. Phoebes - that money wasn't recovered. I'm so sad that I went back through the entire stupid ted debacle. On April 14th she wired the money to Ted's sister. The money is never mentioned again - only that "Ted" was married to Vicki, Queenie, unnamed wife #3 and was working on Adrian and unnamed phone partner confey-ti number 5. However, maybe in a weird twist of fate the money ended up being a "very generous" donation to Vietnamese orphans.

  11. Wouldn't it be nice if the money ended up going to Ted's kid(s)... little Teddy or Queenette?

  12. Tim K,

    One of Ms. Moy's helpful date/time stamp boxes a couple of weeks ago--back when Mary and Dr. Jeff started talking about Adrian--said something like, "several months later." or somesuch.

    I'm just wondering what meddling Mary engaged in during that time that we missed out on. Oooh! Or even better, maybe she took some online courses on advanced meddling techniques that we will get to see on display soon!


  13. 9-10-09:

    1) I never knew that La Rosa had such a space issue, cramming those vinyl booths so close to the tables.

    2) A's wig is about to slide off.

    3) Way to go, Officer Redford. Just give her the ring and tell her to put it on whenever she is ready. She may just take it to the SR pawnshop (next to the shop for bald faceless women), get a few bucks and tell you, it is "lost" or "away in a safe place"

  14. I'm beginning to suspect that (post shakedown) Adrian's tearful acceptance of Scott's proposal will not immediately bring him out of the coma. That she will wear his ring and wait by his bed, patiently, and whisper thought bubbles that read something like, "Come back to me, dearest... come back to me!" for day(s) or week(s).

    ... and rumor will spread among the staff of Mountview Hospital that this Dr. Adrian, who's been there almost every day, actually works there.

  15. I love the fact that Scott looks today (9/10) like he is attempting either to press the box into Adrian's hand so hard that the ring will appear (presto!) on her finger when her removes his hands, or that he will compress all the carbon in her hands with such force that her left finger will become a diamond itself. That would send the message to all other would-be suitors, "You don't even want to think about cutting in on my action, or I'll crush your skull in my two-handed tetrahedral press grip!"

    Incidentally, my word verification for this message is "ressesse, which reminds me of spelling "Mississippi."


  16. Imagine being in the next booth over, (akin to our Wanders' experience in witnessing that marriage proposal in Seattle) and seeing this guy SMASH a ring box into a woman's hands like that! Ouch! I think he's passive aggressive or something.

    But doncha' just know... this will be the sentimental, romantic scene playing in A.'s dreamy little thought bubble as Scott hovers in and out of consciousness at Mountview Hosp. Cheesy fake greenery, cheap vinyl booths, crushed knuckles and all.

    "And that's when two fools met"...

  17. I was thinking kind of the same thing as Duckduck. That something is going to happen to Scott and all Adrian is going to have is the ring as a memento.

    Hey, maybe she should get it appraised. If it's worth $50,000 then she would come out even!


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