Friday, September 11, 2009

Mary Worth 568

Ha! Ha! "The rest of our lives." Ha! Ha! Irony always adds to the comedy.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Today's panel should be in the dictionary under the word: Foreshadowing.

    Geeze, they should just put banners on the panel that say: "Scott is not going to be with us much longer..."

  2. Poor, stupid Adrian. A fiance, an almost-fiance, and $50,000, all taken from her in less than a year. It's enough to send a girl over the edge...or to Vietnam to replace her brother.

  3. Vicki was right, Adrian, hang on to your Santa Royale online dating login and password, you're gonna need it.

    Is Officer Redford smuggling herion in that ring box?

  4. Scott's cuttin' loose with the stylish orange suit and mock turtleneck. I love the look!


  5. The unctuous fiance, the pink cupcakes, the tragic hairstyle, and now we're to believe that her true love will DIE before she can accept his proposal?

    I have difficulty believing that Adrian could be so despised by her creators.

  6. Poor, poor Adrian. The foreshadowing here is so strong, you'd have to be unconscience NOT to know what's going to happen...

    I wonder if some popular bitch with a Prince Valiant haircut was cruel to Karen Moy all through high school and this is her revenge?

  7. And the moral of this story is--"Always Accept a Marriage Proposal Immediately, Because One of You May be Dead Soon."

    My, isn't Scott looking LARGER than life in today's strip! A. looks rather diminutive, by comparison.

  8. I think it's clear that Scott will only have a brush with death in the heroin shake-down, which will either strengthen Adrian's resolve to marry him and live what time they have in this short life together, or frighten her away from relationships altogether. I hope it's the latter, but most likely the first. I guess we'll find out in 3 months or so.

  9. Chester (smarter than A.)September 11, 2009 at 1:46 PM

    It appears that Adrian finished last in her class all throughout school, not just med school.

    She sure is one scalpel short of a doctors bag!

  10. Maybe Wanders should change the Betty Boop clock countdown to "til Scott is no more."

  11. Love IS a gamble. Especially for Adrian.

  12. @tuffenuf Today's panel should also be under the term: Bleeding Obvious. :)

    @Amber - you've summed up the situation perfectly.


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