Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mary Worth 569

Yes, Scott, but the last time Adrian gambled on love, she lost $50,000, not to mention any shred of self respect she might have still possessed.

Today's Full Strip


  1. I think that Scott looks like a priest in that mock turtle neck; and everyone knows priests don't get married.

  2. Gaa! Adrian's morphing into Liza Minelli before our eyes! No wonder Scott is so chatty about death - his subconscious must be repeating "Please, God, kill me now."

  3. If Scott knows anything about Adrian's affair with Ted, he'd know not to rush marriage... or equate love with gambling. Knucklehead.

    But the moral of this story seems to be "carpe diem", even for poor Adrian who is doing her best to be level-headed this time around.

    I say that Scott has a close brush with death. They wouldn't make us watch Adrian grieve over lost love again!

  4. I think Scott has a gambling problem.

  5. Obviously fashion plays no role in this romance - for either of them.

  6. Now wait a second...could we be wrong about this storyline? Perhaps this isn't about a "shakedown" at all. Did Scott just foreshadow Adrian's demise via crosswalk assissination? Will Mary mow her down as proof of her total control over life and death in Santa Royale?

  7. Numbat, I'm shocked by the height of Adrian's miniskirt in the silhouette. Is this sort of fashion risk acceptable in Santa Royale?

  8. Could all this death foreshadowing be a huge red herring (One that Mary I'm sure could whip into a delicious seafood scampi!)and could Adrian, not Scott, actually be the one in danger? Maybe, while Scott is working as a narc, the heroin dealers will find out, and end up going after Adrian? Or, am I expecting too much of a plot twist, considering this is Mary Worth, and NOT Law & Order SVU?

  9. Duckdg: I agree on all counts! Even though "Let's rush into marriage!" is about the most stupid and insensitive thing you can ask of Adrian, after the Shakedown nearly costs Scott his life, she will definitely definitely just marry him.

    By the way, you are all very funny people. Wanders, you should be proud of this intelligent readership you've cultivated!

  10. Sadly, I think poor Scott is already dead and rigor mortis has set in. No living person's back would be straight at that angle.

  11. @Robert - The shortness of Adrian's miniskirt caused me great trauma - which is how, I'm sure, she drums up extra business for the hospital.

    Both that and Charley's bright stripey shirt lead me to suspect that Santa Royale has finally been dragged kicking and screaming into the fashion pages of the 60's.

  12. Adrian's might be the least attractive silhouette I have ever seen. Which bump is her nose?

    Tomorrow's strip:

    Adrian: We might have to cross the street, but that doesn't mean we should just rush into it without looking both ways and waiting for cars to pass.

    Scott: We might have to look both ways and wait for cars to pass, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't...uh, get married. Now.

  13. "Love is a gamble, just like life is! We might get killed crossing the street, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't cross it." Handsome detective Scott Hewlett declares to his girlfriend, Adrien Corey, as he steps into the street and is immediately struck by a Triple-Decker Bus, killing him instantly.
    The moral here is clear, folks: Yes, the fact that we might get killed crossing the street doesn't mean that we shouldn't cross it. But it does mean that we should always look both ways first. Right, kids?

    Ah...if only...

  14. Adrian is going to find herself in the warehouse, where the SHAKEDOWN will take place.

    She is there to:
    A) Change her clothes
    B) Practice medicine
    C) Eat pink cupcakes
    D) Do herion
    E) Clomp down stairs


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