Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mary Worth 572

When was the last time a single woman flashed her new diamond ring your way, and you asked if congratulations were in order? Duh. You just say, "Congratulations." But as always, Mary knows exactly what to ask. "Are congratulations in order, or are you just wearing this ring without actually making a commitment to your boyfriend because you're a lonely psychopath who enjoys the added finger weight?"

Today's Full Strip


  1. Shocking stuff. My whole world view is shaken by the revelation that Mary is unaware that it is in very poor taste indeed to congratulate the woman!

  2. Well, she's probing as to whether congratulations or condolences are in order......in case one of her minions couldn't wait til the "shakedown"

  3. Can't Mary tell from the joyous expression on Adrian's face?

  4. BaHa.... I was also shocked by Mary's faux pas. Most women with gray hair (my mother) know this. Then they tell their children (me).

    I believe it IS correct to congratulate the man, sort of a pat on the back for having landed a fine catch -- by asking, then having his invitation accepted. But to congratulate the woman implies that she is lucky to have someone ask her, which could be insulting.

    Miss Manners would be SHOCKED!

  5. "Are congratulations in order?... or are you the nitwit I think you are, who would buy a ring off the shopping channel so you could pretend to be engaged? 'Fess, up, Adrian!"

    Secretly, Mary is terribly, terribly disappointed in Scott.

  6. Hard to miss the ring when Adrian is waving her giant man-hands.

  7. Did Mary travel all the way to Mountview just to see THE RING, or is she also there to do come meddling, er, volunteering?

  8. "But to congratulate the woman implies that she is lucky to have someone ask her, which could be insulting."

    It looks like Mary got it right afterall.

  9. The real question in today's strip is why was Mary at the hospital anyway? Was she spying on Adrian or was she just there for her annual plastic surgery?

  10. She was there running her hands over dusty railings and judging the cleaning staff. "Tsk, tsk," Mary clucked superiorly.

  11. I wonder if the SHAKEDOWN at the WAREHOUSE DOWNTOWN will appear LIVE on Santa Ryoale local TV? That would be very exciting to see.

  12. 9-16

    Mary: "Is that an ENGAGEMENT ring?"

    Adrian: "Mary, its a pop top from a can of Mountian Dew."

  13. Scott is sure to be surprised when he's rolled into the ER on a gurney and riddled with bullets, but instead of getting immediate medical attention from Adrian, she's too busy waving her left hand in his face and asking if he notices she's wearing the ring.

  14. How romantic... To communicate her passive-aggressive acceptance of his proposal, Adrian plans to SURPRISE Scott by wearing his ring, at the hospital, on the day that she plans NOT to see him because they're both working late?

    Robert, I really can't imagine Adrian dealing with the next few scenes in any other way!

  15. Honest to Pete, I thought A.'s knuckle was swollen at first glance, LoL!!!


    Mary, you're supposed to say..."Oh, it's beautiful, Adrian!" or, "My, how sparkly!" You DON'T say "is that an engagement ring?" when you know good and well it IS!

    nasty old biddy.

  16. Can someone please explain the look on Adrian's face in the first panel of today's strip? (9/16),

    Is is: "Ohhh this giant knot on the back of my hand hurrrrrrts"...? Or something else?

  17. Ok people, this is a test of my photograph. I hope it works. Woof!

  18. tuffenuf: Can someone please explain the look on Adrian's face in the first panel of today's strip?
    I noticed it too. It appears zombie-like, Adrian preparing to turn into a mindless, docile Stepford Wife.

  19. Perhaps after being done from Mountview for so long, she has returned to find fourth graders running the reception desk, all her patients dead, their families suing her and the vending machine in the staff lounge is out of Clark Bars.


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