Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mary Worth 573

Oh, sheesh. Excellent timing, Adrian. The question is, when he sees your love for him, will he die anyway?

Today's Full Strip


  1. No, Mary, it's a raging MRSA infection! Tag, you're it!

    (We've jumped ahead a few weeks? What about Operation H-Town?)

  2. Wow. That look on her face. Just ... wow.

  3. Toots, Operation H-Town was originally scheduled for "in a few weeks." So tonight's the night! Which means a few days from now in your time.

  4. Wanders is going to have to speed up the Betty Boop countdown clock. Santa Royale has suddenly converted to light speed.

  5. Adrien looks positively "possessed" in that drawing. Is there really a pose like that in the drawing book?

  6. I thought that Mary had on dangling earrings but it turned out to be the scar from one of her facelifts. lol

  7. Whoa, Adrian looks like she is about to pop her contact lenses. I hope she is ready to deal with all the casualties that are a result of Operation H-Town. I bet Eva is glad she took the night off.

  8. Chester, I like your photo!

    1/17 - The Chief knows how violent this faction of the drug cartel is because he picked up their brochure.

  9. I agree, Chester's new photo is excellent. Cute puppy!

    ooo ooo ooo, I want one of those "Drug Cartel Update" brochures, too! I wonder if it has a pretty picture on the front!?

  10. Wait...the chief had Kinkos print up little brochures about the SHAKEDOWN?

    Again, we see the WAREHOUSE has no doors or windows, and that CARTEL UPDATE, whats that all about?

    It sounds like the "Comings and Goings" section of a corprate newsletter. (Ginny in Heroin adopted a puppy, Bill in Crack visited Orlando with his mother, Vince, the drug mule, is now a Notary)

    Back to panel one, I believe Adrian should TELL Scott, rather than let him FIND OUT about the ring or engagement or working the late shift or whatever she means.

  11. I hope the cops don't accidentally leave one of those brochures on a table at Starbucks! It could be bad news if a guy from the Drug Cartel decided to stop by for a venti latte, know what I mean!?

  12. I was juust thinking, as I wandered about Manhattan (unleashed) at lunch...

    All the drug guys have to do is get ahold of one of those nifty brochures and they will know what is going to happen during the SHAKEDOWN. You know that more than one cop is going to toss theirs in the trash outside Dunking Donettes, along with their empty coffee cup.

  13. Maybe that's Scott's mission, to collect and destroy the brochures after this meeting is over.
    He's dressed for the job and he looks serious about it too. (Well, as serious as a blond cop with no mustache could possibly look, at least.)

  14. A brochure? Don't they have PowerPoint at the Santa Royale PD?

  15. Oh, Toots, you know that the SRPD just upgraded to DOS3.1!

  16. Yes, SRPD is attempting some major upgrades--I hear next week Chief Big Pockets is trading in his pointer stick for one of those new-fangled red LASER pointers! His supervisor has instructed him not to point it in the officers' eyes, but...will he remember?

  17. I just saw Eva, partying with Waiter McSnooty at Three Trees with her nurse friends.

    Girls night out.

    Adrian must be jealous.


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