Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mary Worth 574

Fortunately, the Santa Royal Drug Cartel publishes a first-rate newsletter, Cartel Update, including not only the location of their shakedown, but a very handy floor plan of their hide-out/ballroom dance club.

Today's Full Strip


  1. It's nice to know that the Santa Royal Police don't have to "be on alert" when they're only "dealing with a violent faction of the drug cartel."

  2. According to those floor plans, that warehouse lacks doors. This should be a very entertaining bust.

    Keystone -- whoops! I mean Charterstone -- Cops, start your bumbling!

  3. Dear Mary Worth artist:

    Would it be too much to ask for you to draw your characters looking the same for at least two days in a row?

    signed Chester the Dog

  4. Why does it look like the guy's nose is melting? Is it a fake nose? Or does he have a little drug experience himself?

  5. Scott and the other blonde cop look marked for death in today's second panel. The two other guys will make it through. I can't tell about the guy behind the folder, but his forehead looks clean.

    Trying to place myself into the mindset of a very violent cartel member in the midst of a shakedown, I think I might aim my AK at the guy wearing the butterscotch jacket.

  6. The guy on the far left (first panel) in the white tie looks so freakin' mean he surely must be a spy from the Drug Cartel!!

    I was wondering if this Drug Cartel has a logo or perhaps even a website, to go along with its professional newsletter? Not that the SRPD would have computers or anything. Or would know how to use them.

  7. Here's a new angle:

    What is Detective Scott is a mole for the Drug Cartel? Now THAT would go right along with Adrian's inability to assess the character of any of her suitors.

  8. I told my mother about the SHAKEDOWN coming soon at the WAREHOUSE. She asked if I could take a few folding chairs down there for her and her neighbor, Wanda, so they could sit and watch Operation H-Town in person.

    Wanda always complains that there is nothing good on television these days, and promises to bring a thermos of hot tea, in case anyone, gets a chill.

  9. duckduck: Ha ha! I thought exactly the same thing when I saw the strip this morning!

  10. "Waiter! Yes, you with the orange jacket and the pained expression! I'd like the Cartel Update de la Creme with a side of Floor Plan Section B. And a glass of the '87 Violent Faction wine. And make it quick, waiter!"

  11. I hope they used more than one search engine to double-check the maps for the cartel's location in those brochures. There's nothing worse than showing up for a cartel showdown/shakedown/cotillion, only to be embarrassed to find out Google Maps placed the location 3 blocks over than it actually is.

  12. Chester: these heroin dudes in H-Town are bad apples who I suspect may even sport thunderbolt tattoos! *Shudder!*
    I would just advise Wanda and your Mom to set up their folding chairs and tea thermoses down at the Mountview Hosp. ER entrance instead. Tell them to watch for a guy in a butterscotch jacket!

    Robert, my thoughts exactly! Warehouse addresses can be tricky at best.

  13. "set up their folding chairs and tea thermoses down at the Mountview Hosp. ER entrance instead." ... and if they see a girl in a lab coat, showing her left hand to everyone, tell them to avoid eye contact at all costs!


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