Monday, September 21, 2009

Mary Worth 577

Holy mackerel! That's a lot of guns. This story is going to kill property values in Santa Royale. What the heck is happening to this town? It used to be such a peaceful place. Now it's full of gun toting drug cartels, stalkers, and confidence men.

However, if the heroine is being delivered in Virgin Mary statues, then we're really in trouble. We've been overrun by the Dharma Initiative.

Today's Full Strip


  1. I am thinking that the Santa Royale PD has not been to SWAT training yet. Or maybe they have utilized a band of teenaged Police "Scouts".

    Can they not do something... ANYTHING on to cover up that blinding shock of blonde hair and that pale-*** skin? Perhaps standard SWAT gear, face paint and a dark cap?

    For cryin' out loud, he is as subtle as a lighthouse in the corner!

  2. Officer Hewlett and his men seem outnumbered with regard to firepower. The traffikers in illeagle substances are brandishing more rapid fire weapons, maybe AK47s or some of the AR 15s. Can't tell from this spot. Maybe if I move around a bit, I can get a better view.

    On a serious note, there are some mean folks here in California -- La Eme, Mara Salvatrucha, Chinese and Russian Mafias, etc. We knew sooner or later they would arrive in Santa Royale. Perhaps this strip will draw national attention to the problem. If you don't believe it, go to Wikipedia or see the gang series on the History Channel (I think they were done too long ago to include SR).

  3. That cartel does look mean, but at least it's contained in a REMOTE warehouse in the OUTskirts of SR. This one shakedown could rid them of their problem for good. It can be much more difficult to clean up the streets of a town and the fabric of its families' lives after the epidemic spreads.

    A stitch in time.

  4. tuffenuf and Brick beat me to the things I noticed! Did Joe Giella consider outfitting the police in SWAT gear, then realize the strip's less-than-smart readers wouldn't recognize Scott without his pale blond hair? And make sure the cops are all standing there defiantly instead of actually making an attempt to be inconspicuous. Well, at least it only affects the outskirts of Santa Royale. The residents of Charterstone won't be woken up by the late night barrage of firearms.

    And does anyone think the Cory family would really be working at a hospital near the undesirable outskirts of town (much less have Mary volunteer there)? Good thing the ambulances will drive many miles out of the way to bring the injured to a more socially acceptable hospital.

  5. Vicki (cowering behind the crates)September 21, 2009 at 12:58 PM

    Oh dear, I think those ninjas with the nice briefcases are going to kick the boys in blue's butts!

  6. Isn't it unfortunate that this drug raid found EVERY SINGLE member of the violent cartel holding a loaded gun over their head? To move in now is suicide for anyone other than a SWAT team.

    One thing I know: Scott, the cop who tracks down bigamist heart-breakers, has no business being there.

  7. Is Scott wearing a sweater vest???

  8. Moy is soooooo over her head with this one.

  9. that's what I thought anon. What does Moy know about drug cartels or heroine shakedowns or ups or whatever. I don't know either so I won't really be able to spot her errors.

  10. Chester (cowering as well)September 21, 2009 at 10:04 PM

    It does look a little on the side of the smugglers, don't it. Scott should have gone the meter maid route instead.

  11. I got a new phone today, and the first bookmark I added was to Mary Worth and Me. Thanks, Wanders, for your free secret comments, your comments in general, and for this group I so enjoy. I didn't realize how much until I was setting up my bookmarks!
    And don't hit your head again please! I had one concussion from figure skating, and one from a car crash. Best avoided.

  12. So -- just before the firefight erupts -- the cops are standing under the bright lights and the crooks are veiled in darkness.


  13. BaHa--I met up with wanders this morning. He showed me the scar and gave me the gory details. Because I'm sure many of you are sensitive souls, I'll just tell you that the numerous stitches come out early next week. Wanders also gave me the background on the stomach cramp, and all I have to say on that is, the other guy should be hoping to have something so minor as a debilitating stomach cramp. For a man of peace, wanders packs a mean left-right jab-hook combo. Mrs. wanders did a good job stitching him up, too, with the home suture kit (rusty needle, thick dental floss, and a small piece of leather to bite down on).


    OK, I did see wanders today, and the details are far less exciting than that. But he is healing up really well and is back at work, so all the positive vibes coming out from the MW&M crowd have helped tremendously.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.