Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mary Worth 578

Even Dick Tracy is embarrassed.

Joe, you're drawing the wrong strip! Nice work today.

Be sure to read your secret messages by holding your cursor over each image.

I've added the Dragnet Theme to the Charterstone Jukebox. Enjoy!

Today's Full Strip


  1. You do realise that if this comic follows the rules of TV cop shows, every one of those bullets fired by the bad guys will miss all the cops...

    Except for the one dramatic bullet which will seek out Scott and put him out of our misery.

  2. I have no commment except, similarly to what was previously said, I am so enjoying Joe Giella's artwork on this one. One can tell how bored he is drawing Mary and Toby and Salmon Squares around the tiny Charterstone pool.

    The action drawings are superb. Thank you, Mr. Giella.

  3. Now we know what "Mary Worth" needs... More gunfire. I can't think of a storyline that wouldn't be improved by a good shootout. Imagine how much more exciting the "Mary almost cheats on Jeff" plot would have been if any one of those characters had access to a firearm.

  4. Yeah, this really is a welcome (if predictable) change of pace. It's too bad they had to export all the violence to some warehouse down in Santa Royale's bustling crime district, but I suppose having a shootout at La Rosa would just be too much to ask (but you just know Waiter McSnooty is a powder keg of rage with a short fuse).

  5. This is the best and most action packed strip since Aldo drove off the cliff.

  6. Poor Scott never stood a chance. How could the cops have known that the drug dealers would have rayguns?

  7. Santa Royale's best enter a warehouse full of drug dealers armed with automatic weapons and their strategy is to yell "This is the police. You're under arrest", thus showing that they are well schooled in the most modern law enforcement techniques. Santa Royale is, indeed, in good hands. Unfortunately, Mary Worth, the comic strip is not, save Uncle Joe's harkening back to his heyday.

  8. All that's missing are little blurbs that say; ''POW!'' ''RAT-A-TAT-TAT'' and ''BLAM!''. I expect that tomorrow's strip will feature an anguished closeup one of Scott's team yelling; ''Scott! Nooooooooo!!!'' as we see a crumpled Scott mumble ''Glurg...umph...Tell Adrian I...''

  9. Moy cannot kill Scott off after this buildup. It would be too emgarssing, even for her. Hmmmm...too embarassing, even for her? Let me think about that some more.

  10. Cool! I'm picturing scenes of the Charterstone pool party with Mary and Toby getting into an argument, with Mary pulling out a handgun after Toby insults her salmon squares. Gunfire makes every story better.

  11. @ Robert -
    Yes, THAT is how Moy could keep Joe G. happy... at long last.

  12. On a related note, my wife and I just discovered that the new free digital channels that come with our scraping the bottom of the barrel ultra-basic cable package includes something called Retro TV Channel, or something like that. We've been enjoying shows such as Rockford Files, To Catch A Thief, A Team, Hardy Boys & Nancy Drew Mystery Hour, and many others that we never got to watch because they came on at 9:00 when we were in grade school. A Team has reminded us of exactly the same point many of you have been making--every story is better when it involves the senseless wasting of ammunition in pursuit of some greater social good. Oh, and explosions. Lot of explosions.


  13. And Jessica--good eye! The bald guy with the "Uzi" does indeed have a ray gun. If it were the standard Israeli Defense Forces issue Uzi, there would be a stream of spent cartridge shells pouring out of the chamber (probably on the underside of the firearm), a la, the cloud of gnats that Mr. Hipster Ponytail guy to the left of the frame has.

    This is one bleeding edge cartel, having ray guns. The SRPD is totally out of their league here. Particularly if they are still using those old-fashioned home plate umpire's chest protectors to provide protection from small arms fire (see the strip from Friday).


  14. After seeing Scott's carved face in today's high-action strip, I'm afraid that every other man in Santa Royale will look like weak by comparison:

    Jeff Corey - pansy. Even when he's on his boat and his hair is wind-tossed.
    Ron Amalfi - mamma's boy
    Charlie Smith - fool
    Frank Griffin - milksop
    Ian Cameron - actually, he could look pretty rugged during a shoot-out...

  15. Looking at the full strip reminds me of Billy from Beverly Hills Cop when he says the same thing at the bad guy's house.


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