Friday, October 9, 2009

Mary Worth 590

So many answers in today's strip. First, discovering that Mary is actually trapped behind the looking glass made so much sense. Does anyone remember the Lost in Space episode where Penny and her sister fall into a magic mirror and are living behind the mirror watching everybody? That was almost as awesome as Mary Worth. But to make things even better, Mary can actually see her body snatcher taking over her life. Horrors. This explains why she and Jeff have been zombie-ing it over to Mountview Hospital. Of course, yesterday, Jeff made the fatal mistake of displaying emotion, but I am certain that in the interim, Mary has snatched him and he is a pod person now as well. If this story is anywhere near as exciting as Invasion, we're in for a great time!

Today's Full Strip


  1. Is what Mary's saying a promise? Or a threat?

  2. I thought something similar,that the real Mary was trapped behind the glass watching the "Stepford" Mary take over to say all the right things to her man Jeff.
    I am not sure what ending I wish for in this storyline. It seems to me whether Scott lives OR dies, the story will still be boring.

  3. Good point, wanders--I noticed Reflection Mary and wondered about the angle of the shiny reflective surface--how could we see Mary's visage from that angle when her head is turned? You have solved the riddle for me!


  4. Is General Zod in there with Mary?

  5. So how long as the real Mary been trapped in that glass? Is she actually a good person?

  6. The thing I noticed about today's column is Jeff praising Scott's father as his great friend when they were "younger". Well, they must not have been such "great friends" as when Jeff met Scott originally - as in Mary-Worth-time - he didn't realise that Scott's father had died!

    Santa Royale's not THAT big that Jeff and Scott's father would have "lost touch", so I question how they really could have been such "great friends"!

    Unless, of course, Scott's father was living in the heroin-ridden areas outside of SR...

  7. Good Lord, that's a frightening image.
    Though, obviously, it's not "real-person Mary" watching her alter-ego through the looking-glass, as Wanders suggested.
    It's obviously a forlorn Satan watching Mary's diabolically successful evil and sadly and pathetically attempting to copy her.

    "See! I'm Satan AND Mary Worth, too! I'm MUCH more evil than her! See? See? Everyone pay attention to me! I'm in a mirror! I...

    Wait-what's that she's doing? That's...that's diabolically evil genius! Wormwood, fetch me a notebook and a pen, quick! I gotta take notes on this!"

  8. Is Mary feeling trapped in her relationship? Just as she's promising to be there for Jeff ... always ... always ... always ...

    or is it Joe that feels Mary is trapped?

  9. The Mary trapped in the Phantom Zone is probably more evil than the one in Santa Royale; she was never content with merely meddling in the lives of others.

    I'm disappointed Jeff's road rage dissipated so quickly. Why does Moy tease us so?

  10. Chester (freaked out)October 9, 2009 at 5:34 PM

    I just noticed Marys reflection, and boy, is it creepy! It deserves to be on a t shirt!

    Is she trapped in the real world outside Santa Royale, or is the Mary in the mirror really in Santa Royale and the Mary and Jeff we see, are in the real world where heroin and cartels and shootings really take place?

  11. This is absolutely the best Mary Worth panel I have ever seen. I cannot imagine what the illustrator was thinking when they drew this. But I thank them; the possible interpretations are fascinating and endless.

  12. They are mirror universe Mary twins; one is evil and the other is eviler.

    Joe Giella is subtly protesting after being given that wham-pow shootout action sequence ... and then being re-relegated to drawing old people going through various doors for a week.

  13. Toots McGee said...
    Is General Zod in there with Mary?

    Yes. Cowering.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.