Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mary Worth 591

Mary's claim that she's right behind Jeff, when she's actually right in front of him is remarkably consistent with every other element of their relationship.


  1. I expect we'll spend some time in the waiting room.

  2. that would make sense, Brick. I'm sure these "family members" will be allowed to hover over the patient.

  3. Oh I don't know. We might be in for a few days of Mary "follows" Jeff through the hospital corridors. The drive there took about 4 days ...

  4. Mary appears to be punching through those glass doors. Her left fist means business!

  5. There may be a subplot brewing while we wait for Scott to wake up and see the diamond: I think that doctor and nurse reflected in the funhouse mirror the hospital has installed in its doors are having an affair!

  6. Why would he be leading the way? doesn't Mary spend all her spare time mean working at the hospital?

    I think the best test of any relationship would be whether the woman would stay close by the man in public if he insisted upon wearing an orange suit with a red/black striped tie.

    I'm not as a good a woman as Mary. I'd be tempted to make it look like we wandered in separately.

  7. It took them two days to walk through that door. Every day I gain new respect for artist Joe Giella's stamina. I'd be tempted to just photocopy the same panel for a few days and see if anybody noticed.

  8. OK, Mary works at the hospital, she should know where to go. Flash her candystriper badge and she has full access, but noooo. Tomorrow they check out the gift shop.

    Miss Moy, you can start a good story, but have no idea ow to end it.

  9. Adrian's been practicing medicine! She added a sling. Her patient is in critical condition and hasn't come too yet, but if he does get up to play a little basketball, that sling will keep his arm stable.

  10. Looks like Adrian may have been trying to stimulate Scott by raising and lowering his bed.

  11. I know exactly where Jeff is headed. He has lost that anger buzz he had going in the car on the way a couple of days ago. So he is headed straight for the coffee machine where he can throw back a couple of cafeene laden hospital java bombs and get his "kick yer @#%" game face back on to then bust into Scott's room and start taking names. This will not stand! Heads will roll. Bring out the fan cause it's gonna get hit!

  12. An orange suit. An orange suit.

    An orange suit.


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