Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mary Worth 593

Joe Giella is going to draw this strip forever! He's in his eighties and still in perfect, perfect health. Obviously, he hasn't been in a hospital since he had his tonsils removed during the Great Depression and he had to share a room with "Squeaky" Thompson who broke his arm falling out of tree. Of course, in those days, he wouldn't have had that awesome sound system that keeps rolling around Scott's room.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Aren't those pink bed covers the same as in every other Santa Royale bedroom? And pulled as tautly on the bed, too?

  2. Mary is still in the room, not that anyone's taken notice.

    She's thinking about spending next Spring with Adrian, shopping for a mother-of-the-bride dress, the shower, the rehearsal dinner, the receiving line... and she's staring at Scott's life support system. It could go either way.

  3. tuffenuf (back from vacation)October 13, 2009 at 11:02 AM

    Okay... now this is getting creepy...

    Whose hand is that resting on Dr. Cory's chest? Adrian has a white coat on, and the coat is (eerie music cue..) BLACK!!!!

    If the white of Adrian's coat was shaded deeply to black, wouldn't the flesh tone of her hand be even darker?

  4. Wanders, the first thing I noticed was that awesome stereo system that's been installed in Scott's room!

  5. "You're engaged?" Well, no, although I can see where you'd draw that conclusion, since I just told you he proposed and I seem happy about it. But I haven't gotten around to saying "yes" -- or "no" -- so I'm just letting you know that we should be praying he won't die until I make my decision. Should be a couple more days -- a week, max.

  6. "Dad...you didn't know this...Scott proposed" is a fine example of the art of clunky exposition.

  7. I still can't believe she's a doctor.

  8. Scott will recover, thanks to all that LITE FM blasting out of the stereo next to his bed.

  9. Am I the only one who remembers those old-style robot stereo systems that followed you around during your daily routine? It was before they came out with the less-cumbersome Walkman.

    Oh well. At least Joe Giella and I remember. Ah, the good ol' days ...

  10. In today's panel, it is obvious that Dr. Good isn't. During surgery, he reattached Scott's left hand to his right arm!!!

    And is Scott in a prison hospital? Pardon me, but they don't make hospital beds like that anymore... unless you are in a clinic in sub-Saharan Africa, or perhaps in an old prison. The new ones are mechanized, smooth and have a wonderful faux wood headboard and footboard.

  11. Adrian and Jeff = MacKenzie Phillips and her papa...

  12. Dear Mary, always ready to suggest a bit of food or coffee to squelch genuine emotion in her victims. "Hey, I think there's still time for brunch! Some eggs and an English muffin will cure those blues right away! Soon you'll be asking, 'Scott Who?'"

  13. Pale, probably clammy skin... dizzy... weak... In my opinion, Adrian has always looked like a person about to faint.

  14. Am back from vacation-- tanned, rested, and ready! So much has happened (Jeff's righteous road rage, Mary's evil psyche peeking through the window at us. *Shudder*)...and yet NOTHING has happened! Scott hasn't moved an inch and his condition could go either way.
    BTW, does Adrian not know she should change the patient's position a bit so his lungs don't fill up with fluid!!?? I suppose Scott's prison bed isn't electric, but still!
    Mary looks like she would rather be anywhere but there. She needs a coffee from the cafeteria, and time to ponder Adrian's marriage proposal collection. TWO in one year, and the girl is such a twit!! How does she do it?

  15. Vicki, that is the million dollar question! How does she do it?

  16. In marriage proposal #1, she was more of a target than a love interest. Those kind of opportunities come easy to any girl.


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