Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mary Worth 594

Quietly, while no one is looking, Dr. Corey gives Scott a wider course of antibiotics.

For those of you who are new to Mary Worth and don't understand why this is HILARIOUS, here's some help.

Today's Full Strip


  1. I think Dr. Jeff is either going to pull the plug or go 'Knute Rockne on him.
    I had forgotten about the antibiotics. That was a good one!

  2. Dr Jeff is practicing a little "off the record" medicine because he is so humble. He doesn't want credit for what happens next.

  3. tuffenuf (wanting to go eat breakfast with Mary & Adrian)October 15, 2009 at 9:24 AM

    Jeff: (in a thought cloud)
    "Now where would they have put his wallet...?"

  4. "I just want to hear the first chorus of 'Wild Thing' on the Medi-Stereo Unit."

  5. My first thought about Jeff's intentions was a bit more sinister than antibiotics. After all, if Scott stays around and marries Adrian, how often might Adrian have to anguish over other such occurrences? Better, perhaps, if Scott never becomes a member of the Corey family.

  6. I think Jeff is about to congratulate Scott on his engagement.

  7. "Son... may I call you son?... how did you get yourself into this mess? Didn't your dad ever talk to you about using proper protection when heading to the remote outskirts of town?"

  8. After all the... sexual tension... between Jeff and Scott/Scott's dad earlier in the storyline, no matter how much I think of what Jeff's going to do my mind does not take me to good places. I hope he just gives Scott a hug.

  9. Oh sheesh, he's going to give Scott a kiss. I just know it!

  10. Chester (uncomfortable)October 15, 2009 at 2:29 PM

    "Oh, Scott, you look so much like your father, your blonde hair, those rippling muscles, those vital organs...your lack of good judgement..."

  11. I think Jeff wants to check to be sure Scott's vital areas were indeed spared before he gives his blessing to the marriage.

  12. Friday - So now Jeff can speak for Scott's father, who he knew during four year of high school and "lost touch with" after graduation?

    He had better snap out of his coma and nip this one in the bud. Otherwise, it'll haunt him for the rest of the marriage: "You're father would have wanted you to move in with Adrian here, in my house." "You're father would have wanted you to name the baby 'Jeffrey'." "Your father would have approved of Mary's involvement in Jeffrey's affairs."

  13. I hope Dr. Jeff pulls the plug. This storyline is as stale today's special at the Bum Boat.

  14. Jeff's hand is raised in the second panel of Friday's strip. Scott can't resist, so there's going to be some face stroking! "Come back to me, Scott! I mean, Come back to Adrian! Yes, that's what I meant!"

  15. Looks to me like he's tethered there pretty good, Jeff. He's not going anywhere, although he might WANT to go , as you're creeping him out big time.

  16. Todays strip: It appears that Scott is in a semi-private room! I wonder what the patient behind the curtain must be thinking as Jeff babbles on and on.

  17. Pandagrandma - bwahahaha! Now I can't get the picture of Jeff checking Scott's wedding tackle out of my head - thanks!

    We should have known that Jeff was about to sit down and spout platitudes and high school memories of a bloke it turns out he barely knew. This is Mary Worth, nothing so dramatic as pulling the plug (though it did look that way for a minute!).


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