Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mary Worth 595

I love my father-in-law. In fact, he's been visiting for the last couple of days and we've had a lot of fun. However, if this morning I had woken up to see him sitting at my bedside, espousing my virtues and how much my wife deserves someone like me, I would have screamed. Of course, I would have been flattered. But I still would have screamed.


  1. see pretty soon Jeff is going to say,"Let's win one for the Gipper!" lol

  2. Dr. Jeff's uneven-by-several-inches eyeballs in the first panel make me wonder which one of these two is really the vegetable.

  3. The roving Hi-Fi Medical Turntable sits in the darkest corner of the room, a silent witness, weeping for all that it has mutely witnessed ...

  4. I understand the screaming. Especially if he'd looked like he was about to move in for a long, lingering kiss.

  5. "...on the other hand, if you decide that you'd rather not marry Adrian after all, go ahead and die."

  6. If Jeff moves in any closer, he may encounter a vital area!

  7. maconmemad: those vital areas were spared until now...

    Lordee, this is moving slower than Adrians steering wheel-less car.

    Scott, either die or get off the pot! Mountview has other patients waiting to be ignored.

  8. Stay, Scott, stay! Good boy!

    Now play dead. Oh, wait...

    Beagle Vet

  9. Scott is probably laying there wishing that Jeff would just shutup already and let him rest.

  10. Breaking news. Stop the presses!!!I just returned from the nearby Sam's Wholesale Club of which I am a member. Two of the food vendors were pushing Shrimp Scampi. Couldn't believe it. I don't eat anything that was born in a shell, lived in a shell, or died in a shell, so I didn't try it, however your Sam's Wholesale Club may be offering it even as I am writing this.

    Unfortunately, I had to post this on a Saturday date site, so those who tune in late may not be able to take advantage of the free food. One of the vendor ladies looked a lot like Mary Worth.

  11. "...beautiful future.." Jeff's voice was calm as he carefully removed the life-giving oxygen tube... "You brought her back..." he said as he bent Scott's straw and drank most of his water... "please"... dislodging the IV... "stay"... and satisfied that he had done all he could do, he left.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.