Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mary Worth 599

Well in that case, don't talk to him. Sit here. Maybe he can read your mind.

This isn't the first time Mary has expressed her belief that unconscious people are listening.
Perhaps that is why we don't need to be conscious to enjoy Mary Worth.

I think I'd like to celebrate something great. Every once in a while, I get a mail order catalog from Harriet Carter. Best. Catalog. Ever. There isn't a condo at Charterstone that isn't on their mailing list. Featured this week?
The Wonder Hanger

Today's Full Strip


  1. Definitely, that Wonder Hanger" is VERY "Mary Worth-ish", Wanders, and should go to the top of your Christmas wish list this year! If you're extra good, maybe Santa will bring you a multiple set.
    I, too, am concerned about Mary's sleeve as it sits IN the salmon slop! The stain is in a location not likely to be noticed until much later, when she's home and tries to hang the dress on her wonder hanger. By then her embarrassment will be acute, as she recalls all the people at Mountview who probably saw it.
    As for Adrian,'s just all about HER, isn't it? Did she never ONCE tell Scott she loved him while they dated?

  2. Do you think Scott and Adrian ever touched, let alone had sex? Not those two!

  3. Phoebes - aargh need brain bleach!!

  4. I know, Caroline, even thinking about it made me throw up a little!

  5. Lol, the closest thing to even a HINT of sex are those slightly naughty, possibly child-scaring paintings in Charley's apartment!

  6. I guess it's lucky for Adrian that "vital areas" were spared. Otherwise, it might be "Prognosis Negative!"
    Check out the description of the fictional "Seinfeld" movie here

    (... unable to commit to a relationship... ex-girlfriend has six months to live) yada yada.
    Moy is really Larry David!

  7. Prognosis Negative describes this whole MW episode.
    Mary is about to tell Adrian one of her stories. Will it be about when she was a little girl and she had nothing to eat; or is it the one about why she doesn't marry Jeff. lol

  8. Re: Comment from Anonymous Oct. 20 - Guess you get to have another drink! Now Adrian is touching Mary's face! What is this face-touching obsession of hers, anyway??

    In today's Panel 1 - Adrian's alter ego walks away from the situation, never to turn back.

  9. Oh no, a Mary story. Adrian's going to be stuck at that cafeteria table for the next two weeks while Scott passes away upstairs, with only the very devoted Jeff sobbing at his bedside.

  10. Robert, I'll bet he does rise on the third day! LOL But Mary's story should fill up the time nicely.

    Wouldn't it be great if she told Adrian about Aldo? Mary grew more appreciative of Aldo's love and devotion after he died too.

  11. Oh no! It could be time for...FLASHBACK MARY!!

    While Scott lIES in agony, Mary bores the entire cafeteria with a pointless tale from her youth.

  12. Vicki (rolling her eyes)October 22, 2009 at 4:01 PM

    And which story will it be, Mary? The one about the broken swans? Or blowing dandelion seeds into the wind with your friend? Or how hard it was to choose between A's dad and Ron Amalfi?

  13. Vicki: I hope she tells about finding a dog on New Country Road, and how it chewed her good scarf, and she had to give it up. That'll be sure to cheer up Adrian.

  14. That's right Chester, that is the best story. I wish she would find another dog. or we could get caught up on what the other Chester is doing now. lol

  15. That's right Chester, that is the best story. I wish she would find another dog. or we could get caught up on what the other Chester is doing now. lol

  16. My dog's name is Chester -- let's make up a story about him!

    It's bound to be more interesting than Mary's story.


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.