Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mary Worth 598

Knowing that her negative, self-sabotage has wrought nothing but failure in Adrian's life, Mary Worth quickly attempts to stop the words with a swift, stifling hand over Adrian's mouth, but she's too late. The words are spoken. Scott's fate is sealed.

Today's Full Strip


  1. tuffenuf (ready to join the slapping)October 20, 2009 at 8:23 AM

    Does anyone have a count on the number of times Adrian, Jeff and Mary have mentioned that Scott is "the best thing that ever happened" to Adrian?

    I am at work and cannot count at this time. I feel like slapping them each time it is said. Moy doesn't seem to understand that we, the readers, are not brain-numbed imbeciles! (like Adrian).

  2. Here we go with the overhead shots again...

  3. Mary's looking a little wall-eyed today...

  4. If anyone needs to be by Scott's side at this point, it's the one person who might be more concerned with Scott's suffering and less concerned with whether or not Adrian will lose the "best thing that ever happened" to her. Where is Scott's mother?

  5. If only Mary were about to slap some sense into Adrian. Then this story would have some excitement.

  6. MARY:
    "Marriage is a big step, Adrian.
    That's why I've been rejecting your father's weekly marriage proposals ever since he first started them in the winter of '37 at "Snazzy" McGroot's 25th Annual Christmas Square-Dancing Festival. And why after roughly 117 years together, we still haven't had our first kiss.

    But I suppose if you're really serious, you can start calling him by his first name in public. That's always a big step.

    Now shut up and eat your hospital food." *SLAP*

  7. Did you notice that Mary has six fingers on her hand she's holding up?

    These two - writer and artist - are just "phoning it in". I am beginning to think Adrian is Moy's "alter ego".

  8. Brick, sadly there are no mothers in Santa Royale.

    And Nathan, don't forget--in the 117 years they've been together, coffee drinking has been "the tie that binds". Scott and A. should try that as well.

    Those cafeteria tables are certainly sterile looking, aren't they!?

  9. Vicki, I was just hoping that Scott could have a mother, somewhere beyond the remote outskirts of Santa Royale perhaps, and that she would be allowed a Visitor's Visa ...or something.

    This story lacks a character with a different perspective, a less Adriancentric perspective, and in my opinion, an out-of-town future mother-in-law would be just the ticket.

  10. Vicki, you are right about those cafeteria tables, not a plastic carnation in sight, just the plase I want to go to worry about a loved one or shove microwaved down creamed salmon.

  11. Speaking of keeping count (is there a drinking game in the works?):

    What percent of Adrian's appearances in this strip have involved her NOT touching her face, or having her face touched by someone else, or touching her face while having her face simultaneously touched by someone else?

    I'm guessing her face has been untouched in maybe 15% of the strips.

    Every time her face is touched: DRINK!

  12. Off-topic, but the no mothers in Santa Royale comment got me thinking. Mary never had kids, right? It's a blessing she didn't. Can you imagine her as a mother?

  13. (Oct. 21) I hope that's not one of Mary's good blouses she's wearing 'cause she just ruined it by sticking her arm in her plate of Salmon Slop.

  14. Duckdg (on the edge of her seat)October 21, 2009 at 9:53 AM

    Mary suggests that Adrian talk to Scott. I can see it now:
    SETTING: A hospital room. Scott Hewlett lies dying of gunshot wounds, his head wrapped in a tourniquet...

    ADRIAN: I'm glad you came into my life... please stay. You've made me very happy. I love you, and I deserve a partner like you... moral, kind, smart... Someone who appreciates me for who I am... I'm so glad you came into life! You brought me back to myself! PLEASE... STAY.

  15. With Adrian constantly touching her face, may I suggest someone try out "laying of the hands" on Scott? At this point in the story, I don't have any faith in the hospital's staff, and they may need to call in a faith healer to bring Scott back (and pep up this story).

  16. Robert, Faith healing depends on a strong belief in a supreme being. The only supreme being in this strip was Scott's father.

  17. Ha! Well, if the supreme being of this strip is Scott's father, can we expect Scott to rise on the third day?

  18. Ah, the Santa Royale circle of death: Scott dies. Adrian takes up with the undertaker.

  19. "may I suggest someone try out 'laying of the hands' on Scott?"

    If Adrian laid her face on him, would that be close enough? Some of that MUST rub off...


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