Monday, October 19, 2009

Mary Worth 597

Although Jeff was clearly heading out the door yesterday, he's returned to hold vigil and listen to some tunes on the hospital's awesome stereo system.

Today's Full Strip


  1. I'll cancel my subscription if Scott later says he was inspired not to give up by a subliminal, yet encouraging, voice which urged him to "Stay. Please, stay," and that it was accompanied by a strange tickling sensational on his pinkie finger.

  2. My question:
    Does Jeff have a job to go to, or has he retired? I wish I had as much free time as he has.

  3. I dunno...this could go either way...

    And don't they have any nurses there who check on ICU patients' IV's and vitals and such?
    Goodness, even in regular rooms, one's visits are usu. interrupted by nurses and techs, etc. coming to do blood work or ask if you've "had a b.m. today."
    I guess at Mountview they just wheel the skeletons out every week, tidy up the rooms and start over. But at least the cafeteria is showing a profit!

  4. Mountview Hospital is controlling spiralling healthcare costs (and funding its top-of-the-line stereo systems) by having retired doctors "hold vigil" on a volunteer basis in ICU. Those graduates of new-fangled, high-tech nursing schools cost too much. Also, Mountview's only computer is in its own climate-controlled room, hovered over by geeky math/sci students ("candy-striper boys") from Santa Royale High School.

  5. But what about the heroin SHAKEDOWN? Things must be a little more interesting over at the Walmart-er Santaroymart warehouse.

  6. While Adrian pours her sure-he's-fighting-for-his-life-but-what-about-me whine, I've been sneaking sideways glances at the other people in the cafeteria, so glad that Mary left Scott's room and let us follow today! I wonder if those people are discussing news of last night's shake-down.

    Why is she still wearing her lab coat?

  7. I still want to know why Dr. Jeff removed Scott's oxygen if he's so concerned about him, and why he keeps cranking Scott's bed up and down.

  8. "You brought her back to herself."


    There must be an award that can be created for Karen Moy. Something that will recognize her amazing ability to convey in so few words the emotion of the moment. Her knowledge of the human psyche is absolutely stunning. I mean, just the other day I was struggling to get back to myself, after having been Brad Pitt for a day. I so totally identify.

  9. pandagrandma, I've been wondering myself: it seems as if for the roughly 12 hours Scott has been in that ICU bed, Adrian and her dad have raised and lowered his head at least a dozen times; perhaps it's what they do for fun when doctorin' gets dull and the time is passing too slowly. As for oxygen, Jeff is sitting close enough that he can just breathe into Scott's nostrils to keep him alive.

  10. The head raising and lowering is a very advanced form of physical therapy Jeff learned in Vietnam. Surely this is what will ultimately bring Scott back to his horrible fate ... I mean, his future happiness as Adrian's husband.

  11. Mary and A didn't go for coffee, it appears all they ordered was water (one glass) and salmon squares.

    Even that poor man to A's left has to leave, lest he barf up his creamed chicken and pudding!

  12. Apparently the "thing" Dr. Jeff had to do was remove Scott's oxygen tube, which mysteriously disappeared from his face yesterday. Not much of a way to make Scott stay...ain't I poetic?

  13. Jeff, either croak or wake up. My gosh, how long is this going to go on for? If Jeff could see his future life with Joyce DeWitt, oops, Adrian, he'd want to join Lisa Moore on the other side.

  14. In Panel 2 of today's MW, it looks like Mary is getting ready to slap Adrian to bring her out of hysteria.


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