Friday, October 23, 2009

Mary Worth 601

Actually, this sounds exactly how you treat Jeff now...

If Mary's story ends with her boyfriend dying, I'm not sure this is going to be much of a comfort to Adrian. But it sure would be fantastic from my point of view.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Major face touching!
    Everyone slam a drink.
    (wasn't that the agreement?)

  2. Is it just me, or have Mary and Adrian just looked terrible recently in their close-ups? I guess I just didn't notice it before the comics switched to HD.

  3. Holy Moly, she wouldn't speak to him for weeks??!! WEEKS!? Folks, I've been married for thirty years and the longest I think I ever went without speaking to my husband was one time for MAYBE 2 days-- maybe.

    It is hard to DO, not speak to someone you're having a disagreement with while living with that person? And she said "every time"... Goodness, Mary is a real headcase--more than I had even imagined!

  4. Ok, upon re-reading it, Mary didn't exactly say she was married at the time. (I assumed she was talking about her dear departed husband, Jack, may he RIP.) But STILL, not speaking to a loved one for weeks isn't exactly the most healthy way to resolve conflicts there Mary. Guess you found that out. Continue with your story...

  5. "Suddenly, the wonderful man realized that he RELISHED the weeks I was not speaking to him. There he is, around the corner"

  6. I like how Mary is wearing earrings. Yet, she doesn't have a ear in panel two. I'm guessing she just hooks it in her hair. Maybe this story will end with her old boyfriend chopping off her left ear in a blind rage.

  7. Yeah, Vicki, I noticed the "several weeks", too. I bet the "boyfriend" forgot her existence during those periods, and had to be reminded of her when she deigned speak to him again.

  8. Remember that weeks in Mary Worth time is not the same as weeks to us.

    I mean, if we as readers were forced to observe one of those spats, it would probably be years that they weren't speaking to each other.

    Yet, Mary herself is, like, a hundred old and still apparently supposed to be attractive. So she must be immortal, and time means very little to her.

    Which is why she doesn't mind wasting ours.

  9. Could Moy be that heartless for the story to turn into the death of Mary's friend while she blithely ignored him for weeks at a time? More likely this "wonderful man" got fed up with Mary's crap, moved on, and married another woman. ("Of course, that marriage later failed," Mary smugly informs us.)

  10. @tuffenuff

    yesh, it was - hic - but now I am totally ineberal... inebebber... inerbter... drunk

  11. I just love Mary's collagen injections. Very Angelina.

  12. FACT: The reason that Adrian hasn't accepted Scott's proposal is that he never called her "Queenie".

  13. It is hard to speak to your loved ones when your mouth is stuffed with salmon squares.

  14. @tuffenuff:

    Reserve your seat at AA today! I know I have - and they're going, fast!

    Gurgle gurgle gurgle ...

  15. While Mary tells her boring story, anyone notice Adrian is checking out that guy sitting over yonder in the cafeteria!?

    A. is lining up some options, just in case Scott
    expires. Not that she WANTS Scott to die mind you, but a girl has to be practical, and gosh, "he's kinda' good looking!", A. is thinking to herself as Mary yammers on and on!

  16. Vicki: hahahahah! Adrian is thinking if that guy "face touches"

  17. "So what I'm saying, Dear, is that we all know you're far too self-absorbed to deserve Scott's love."

    "Some say 'love is a verb', but for lucky women like us, love is a gift, a freebie."

    "So, while this one is still here, let's spend these next crucial hours babbling on about ourselves while Jeff tends to Scott."

  18. Is this or isn't it going to turn into a flashback to Mary's carefree youth, when she had no regard for the feelings of that man? I was dying for scenes of Mary doing the jitterbug and ignoring his calls on the "Ameche."


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.