Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mary Worth 602

For example, we couldn't possibly predict that my face is about to slide off my head. But I'm ready to catch it when it does. And then I can touch my face all the time by just carrying it around with me.

Today's Full Strip


  1. "I'm going to slap you with one of them, dearie. Now pick: left, or right?"

  2. In addition to Mary's face sliding off her head, her story has slid off the rails. She's suddenly started babbling about predictions being almost impossible to make and love being the greatest gift, blah blah blah: she seems to be signalling a desperate cry for help. If Adrian were any kind of real, licensed doctor, she'd have Mary seeing a stroke specialist STAT.

  3. Mary Worth seems to be morphing into Judith Martin, aka Miss Manners.

  4. What sort of a non-story is that, Mary? Details! Names! Incidents! That's what makes a story, not vague platitudes strung together.

    Other posters have said this, and Wanders pointed this out only yesterday, but it bears repeating: so Mary's version of love when she was younger included shutting out the person she "loved" for weeks on end for a minor transgression, and apparently she hasn't learned anything in the intervening 100 years, because that's exactly the way she treated Jeff over the Amalfi affair. Hm. So she expects others to take her advice when she doesn't take her own?

  5. She has SO MUCH to say to him?!?! Oh for the love of Mike! Could you give it a rest? If you have to talk to poor Scott, tell him not to worry about his vital areas, or that you've refilled his water glass and added ice chips. Tell him about Toby's recent trip to Scotland.

    Moy's going to kill us.... him.

  6. Yes, Toby's vacation story about getting more in touch with Ian. That will make it easier for Scott to cross over to the other side.

  7. No details are forthcoming because--I think Mary is lying through her teeth about how old she was, and twisting things all around. It's ALDO KELRAST who was the "great" man she is referring to! She secretly loved how he was always sending her roses and stuff! And now nobody is sending her nuttin' and she misses that.
    Plus, she has to compete with Scott Hewlett Jr. AND dead Sr., for Jeff's attentions, b/c of Jeff's incessant "man crushes"!!
    Nope, Mary's just making this up as she goes.

  8. Giella's forgotten that they're in a hospital cafeteria, and has drawn the other diners as if they're all happily enjoying a relaxing afternoon lunch at one of Santa Royale's divine little bistros. Shouldn't someone look sad over an egg salad sandwich?

    I'm kind of disappointed now that we're not going to experience a full-fledged flashback from Mary's memory banks. Unless this is indeed a precursor to a story about Mary's mini-stroke and how she can't remember real things anymore, but just makes stuff up on the fly, because she hasn't forgotten how much she loves to meddle.

  9. The way Mary is holding her hands makes it look like she has just washed them and she is heading for the surgical suite.

  10. If Mary isn't making this story up, we have to guess at the identity of her "great man". She lived in New York when she was young, sometime in the late 1800's... Was Mary dumped by Theodore Roosevelt?


Don't be shy! I'd love to hear what you have to say about Mary Worth. Just keep it clean, that's all I ask. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I don't want to moderate comments, but I will if I have to.