Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mary Worth 603

Well, Mary Worth, you promised us a story, and girl did you deliver.


A story of love and courage

by Mary Worth

I loved a wonderful man years ago, before I met your father! ... When I was young and had a lot to learn. Whenever we disagreed, I wouldn't speak to him for weeks! ... I realized only later how LIFE CAN TURN ON A DIME! Life has many twists and turns. It's sometimes IMPOSSIBLE to predict what's going to happen! Back then, I didn't realize how lucky I was! ... I realized only later, after he was gone, that LOVE IS THE GREATEST GIFT we can ever be given! As imperfect as I was, I loved a great man... and I am a better person for it. I was in love, but I didn't fully know what that meant when I was young... After he was gone, I realized what a GIFT I was given.

What a story! Remarkable characters (including "A great man"), heart-wrenching character development (evolving from "I had a lot to learn" to "I am a better person for it."), and plot twists that "turn on dime!" It's one of the greatest stories of our time. Such a well constructed tale, but clearly way above my head; I couldn't understand a word of it.

Today's Full Strip


  1. Maybe if there had been pictures...

  2. "Some guy loved me once, but it didn't work out."

    There ya go, Moy. One sentence. Next!

  3. @ Miss Emish

    With frustration, or laughter?

    @ Brick

    Integrated into a handy flow chart of course. ;)

    It just made me look for an attic so I could go brood in the half shadows near the grimy skylight. I thought it might create a more emotive atmosphere than staring aghast at an empty coffee cup as Adrian is. [Poor child obviously didn't realise that once the coffee's gone, it's gone.]

  4. You know if Moy had fleshed out this gripping tale of love and regret we would have still been listening to Mary yammer on in the hospital cafeteria for a month of Sundays. I say we all count our blessings she is almost finished.

  5. I don't understand how this is supposed to comfort Adrian in her current situation...

  6. Numbat, all of them! That's the power of Moy.


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